Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Case study on a restaurant operations management (Ks Biryani) Essay
Case study on a eating house outgrowths circumspection (Ks Biryani) - Essay ExampleThe eatery currently has 35 working-individuals to meet the appetite of the customers with their toothsome variety of food. With the help of these employees, the restaurant deal outs almost 250 individuals every day. The chain of restaurant comprises of 2 takeaways and a restaurant. each takeaway counter interacts nearly with 50 individuals each day while the restaurant has the capacity to serve 120 people during its operational time. The federation was established in 2006 with an aim to provide its customers with high eccentric food to satisfy their appetite. Even though the fellowship started with just a takeaway store, it expanded in terms of location and size in its forthcoming years. The phoner was just in its introductory decimal point when it opened its second takeaway outlet in 2008 and its third outlet a restaurant, in the pursuance year. With promising growth and opportunity ahead, the company is planning to inaugurate its third takeaway store in Jeddah the heart of Saudi Arabia, in the second quarter of 2013.To provide the customers with high quality and delicious food, the company has several expansion plans for the upcoming years. These plans include expansion and opening the companys takeaway and restaurants at Jeddah Airport to attract as many customers as possible. Another plan of the company is to open their restaurant in the heart of Mecca and Medina the two most holy places as it promise great business potential. The management of the company is based on hierarchical structure the employees report to the manager, who then reports to the top management. The hierarchical structure could also be observed in the takeaway stores two chefs, two cashiers, one cleaner and a delivery boy. The hierarchical structure eventually helps the company to earn 22,500 pounds on monthly basis. The company started its operation in June 2006 and during the next six month s the company had to face lots of setbacks. The store was not even adequate to reach its break-even point due to which the company had to re-introduce its takeaway store with completely different merchandising strategies. The re-launching decision was taken after critical analysis of the business with consistent feedback from the employees. After changing the marketing strategies, the companys sales boosted rapidly due to which another location was added within a year. To go across any mistake from the senior management, the launching of second takeaway store was done under the focusing of external consultancy which was hired to set the basic operational policies and processes. The hiring of external consultancy was aimed to assure the senior management regarding the structured and transparent work culture in the company. With continuous improvement in terms of sales and stability, the company launched its first restaurant based on the management techniques risk management, qua lity management, capacity planning and so forth This report would provide extensive knowledge regarding the different operational management concepts applied by the company and the challenges
Monday, April 29, 2019
Classifying Cultures Generalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Classifying Cultures Generalization - Essay ExampleThis means that people will judge others ground on the information they get from the media or any other source instead of trying to regulate about them. This is because people will not take effort in trying to learn through and through experience, the behaviors of other chemical groups, but they will assume what they have heard about them represents the entire group or culture. Generalization will have the effect of causing stereotyping and prejudice since it judges individuals as a group instead of trying to understand the individual characteristics. The common American notion that people of the Muslim or Arabic culture are terrorists is false. afterwards the September 11 attacks on the world conduct center, the American g everywherenment set up strategies on the fight against terrorists and initiated the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. There are many differences in these wars, but they are all associated with war of the America ns against Muslims in their effort to do away with terrorist act. This war has embossed questions such as what the attitudes of the Americans are about Muslims living in the states and whether these attitudes will help in the war against terrorism. These attacks were conducted by the Al-Qaeda group and caused many deaths of the American citizens (Sides & Gross, 1). The group has also been associated with other terrorist attacks all over the world and the war on the group was started in order to create security in the world. After theses attacks, politics was based on the war against terrorism and this changed the attitudes of Americans against people of the Muslim descent. Most Americans have associated Islam with terrorism since the Al-Qaeda group is from the Muslim culture and they see Islam religion as a weak one. Islam pursual and mostly people of the Arabic descent started being seen as red people and they were sidelined as the violent extremists. President Bush signed the Islamo-Facists bill, and this changed the attitude of some Americans on people of the Islam religion despite the incident that it was war on some Muslims engaging in terrorism (Sides & Gross, 1). In the minds of some Americans, this created generality, which implicated Muslims. scorn the efforts to separate the terrorist groups from the entire Muslim community, people still have derogatory attitudes towards Muslims and associate any Muslim they come across to be a terrorist. question data shows that most Americans have the stereotypes of Muslims as hostile and they do not trust them (Darren, 27). The Americans perceive Muslims negatively and they believe that their goals are not compatible. Media has emphasized on the negative intentions over the years and it has played a crucial role in heightening the generalization of the Muslim culture. Media dose not directly implicate Muslims with terrorism, but it has contributed to the perception on the Americans of Muslims being hostil e. Research shows that most news coverage involving Muslims tend to cover stories associated with war and crisis (Sides & Gross, 3). After the attacks on the world trade centre, the war against terrorism is seen to have been directed towards Muslims and people of the Arab descent. Most of the depictions of the Muslims have been negative since then, and this has caused Muslims living in the United States and in other places in the world to be feared and associated with terror (Brigette,
Sunday, April 28, 2019
The UK No-Frills Airline Market Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The UK No-Frills air hose Market - Case Study ExampleThe entry of new companies in the grocery store is one of the factors that greatly presume the competitiveness of companies in the sector since the new companies come with strategies to win customers into their company. Some other factors that affect the competition in the market atomic number 18 the bargaining antecedent of the suppliers, the bargaining power of the consumers, the bargaining power of the competitors and the presence of substitutes in the market. This paper seeks to analyze competition in the no-frills airline business market and too compare it with the condition that was there about forty or fifty years ago. The issue of damage discrimination and outsourcing is also discussed in the paper.One of the factors that have brought great competition in the no-frills airline market is the entry of new competitors in the market (Krishna & Eric 2003 p.49). The moment new companies join a market they have the intenti on of winning some customers so that they can have a share in the market. They also come with new capacities in the market thus challenging the companies which are already in the market. They also come with a desire to gain some substantial resources in the market. The companies are spontaneous to do anything to meet their goals. However, these companies are likely to be affected by the barriers that are present where these barriers are usually high meaning that entry into the market would mean that the company has to sell at a higher price so as to rec everywhere its expenses. This gives the existing companies a competitive advantage over these new companies making it quite hard for these companies to survive in the environment. The reaction of the airline companies that are already in the market also matters a lot. If the present companies collude so as to eliminate a new company, it is very easy because these companies have been in the market for quite some time.Most of the comp anies leave always be willing to eliminate these new companies and will do this by colluding with the other companies in the no-frills airline market.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Child abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Child maltreat - Essay modelTaking a moment to know and understand some of these causes will help us to ascertain ways of preventing child jest at. Some children have been found that they were abused by p arnts who had unexpected pregnancies and therefore resulted to unwelcome children who end up being neglected and develop a very poor relationship with their biological mother or both parents.The parents who also physically beat their spouses are known to extend the resembling frustrations on their children. People who take drugs like alcoholic topes and cigarettes or cocaine also have a tendency in abusing children. Other factors are unemployment and financial difficulties which are associated with increased rates of child abuse (Check, 1989). In a 2009 CBS News report, it was realized that child abuse in the US had become great during the economic depression. An example was given of a stick who was not a sole breadwinner . But when the father was in that role, the situatio n changed.In this discussion, I will talk about two factors, these two factors are Alcoholic parents and Parents experience of violence. The problem is drinker parents and parents history of abusing by their family members are the closely important reasons that lead parents to abuse their children. It is very important to prevent violence toward children. How do we prevent this do it? We have to stop and limit this concern by knowing the exact problem in cost of the effects it has on the children and then by addressing the solution.According to the studies from World Bank and World Health organization, alcohol-related finish and its impact is bad. The dangerous effects of alcohol use on health and the likelihood of becoming an pinch have been recognized as dangerous issues of great concern for a long time (www.searo.who.int). Parents who drink alcohol or any other substances that cause them to get drunk will often abuse their children if the level of their drinking is too much. Drinking
Friday, April 26, 2019
Health information research project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health learning research project - experiment ExampleThe policy is that this information motivations to be conveyed to the enduring sooner the physician releases the medical information to the authorities maintaining the computer databases. This is because the patients informed permission postulate to be obtained for treatment (Wilson 2009). For obtaining this, the patient has the right to get the complete information about where their records are being stored. Further, they have the right to recognize the persons and organizations that have nark to their computerized medical databases (OCaroll et al ed 2003).3. The AMAs policy is that the procedures for eradicating the computerized database of inaccurate data need to be established (www.ama-assn.org).This information of purging of inaccurate data needs to be notified to the patient before the purging of data and after the completion of purging. This policy has been adopted to give the patient a scene to get a printed copy o f the computerized information before it is lost completely .Further they have the right to feel that their records have been eradicated forever from the computer.4. The AMAS policy on confidentiality of computers is that the computerized database should be online to the computer terminal only when countenance computer programs that require the computerized data are being used (www.ama-assn.org). External individuals and organizations should not be provided online feeler to this data. Security measures like password protection, encoding of information etc are required to control unauthorized access to the medical data according to AMAs policy. This is to prevent the unauthorized access by any foreign agent to a patients confidential medical data. The legal basis for this is the right of seclusion derived from constitution (Wilson, 2009).5. According to AMAs policy, when a computer service bureau erases medical data, the bureau needs to verify in writing to the
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Reading summary 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reading summary 4 - Assignment ExampleFirst, hisba roll out to be a coercive, public power that may potentially punish individuals for holding to ghostly practices and beliefs thus, violating liberal secular prescriptions for the religions good boundaries. Second, the subsequent edicts and the courts articulate hisba differently from how it is elaborated classically in the Islamic sharia (Agrama 498). Sharia aims at cultivating and securing certain moral values. But, the court judgments along with legislation hisba get articulated as a legal practice that connects with the protection of public order, public interest, religious beliefs and public order. Thus, explaining why it is hard to know if the country is a religious or secular evince (Agrama 515).Therefore, the presented facts relating to present situations shows that secularism incessantly blurs along with politics and religion and its power depends on the precariousness categories it establishes. Thus, Egypts political-re ligious ambiguities show up the deeper indetermination at the secular power foundation. Hence, the country is gradually abandoning its religion and adopting secularism following the introduction of different laws. Thus, it is not concluded if it is still a religious or a secular
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
Research paper - Essay ExampleThey claim that consumers who squander a traditional thanksgiving meal consisting of turkey increase the level of serotonin in their head word which falls the chances of impulsive buying. In order to validate these claims 2 lab studies were conducted. The studies showed that participants who had had been given a tryptophan moneyed beverage preferred to buy the return through layaway financing than through credit card. Layaway financing allows the consumers cartridge holder to authenticly consider whether the purchase is necessary and if they cigaret afford it. The authors claim that this occurred due to increased join of serotonin in the brain which is produced by a tryptophan rich diet.The authors claim that their research can make the consumers aware about the type of foods which should be consumed by them before going for shopping. This will reduce unnecessary purchases and reduce their credit card debts.The major critique of the article is t he methodology which has been adopted by authors for their study. The study 1 was completely online and there was no way of verifying the authenticity of information. The participants were also asked whether they would uniform to by a DELL computer. The response provided online by the respondents may be completely different than how they actual react in the shop. Some of the participants may say they are very likely to buy the product as they didnt study to actually spend the money at that time others may have given guarded responses in the study. It has been well documented that answers given during a survey cannot be employ to gauge the actual shopping responses. This puts a question mark over the validity of the study 1. uniform criticism can also be made regarding the leeway financing option which was given to consumers in the study 2.Although they may claim to go for leeway financing but consumers can behave otherwise on the shop floor under pressure from friends ,relative s ,shop owners, sales persons or even fellow
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Is gambling a moral issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Is gambol a moral issue - Essay ExampleAlthough some of these arguments may be correct, free rein is more than of a moral issue because it results in peoples suffering while others thrive. According to Fitzgerald in that respect is no point in considering gambling and casinos as an economically viable industry. No doubt it adds to the soap of a few and also contri onlyes to the governing bodys revenue box, yet considering the social maladies casinos and gambling are responsible for it is more of a curse than blessing. Furthermore a sanguine society keister thrive amidst healthy individuals. hither health does not only refer to physical health still also the psychological one. shimmer results in erratic behavior through a complex neurochemical reaction that is far from being healthy and therefore according to Fitzgerald should be abstained from. Last but not the least the source has also criticized gambling and casinos for spreading pollution and congestion in weekends thr ough the rush of gamblers in peaceful localities where casinos are located. Fitzgerald states at first that gambling although illegal in the state of California, in recent time permission has been extended to some Indian tribes. Might be placed in a light note but according to him since from historical times the Indians have been exploited by the other Americans the state now call for to compensate them by conferring right of exploiting the others. United States of America as a uniform country essential follow the same law for all and the logic that the writer has presented in legalizing gambling is no myopic of disgracing the goodwill of the government and the equality doctrine of the constitution. Without any grain of doubt the writer is against legalizing gambling but his arguments against such legalization are all driven on materialistic grounds. Fitzgerald has referred that gambling can never be considered as an economic boost owe to the $2 net loss it imposes on the govern ment for each dollar earned as revenue. Another economic argument placed by the writer is the doubling of bankruptcy rate in countries with casinos in compare to those without them. The writer carefully states statistics to act as a psychologist while judging the compulsion of a gambler to spend more than he can afford. The statistics according to Fitzgerald in favor of such compulsion is quite high at 43%. isolated from economic and psychological reasons another panorama that Fitzgerald has referred to is the environmental aspect of gambling or casinos. The economic aspect that Fitzgerald has cited against gambling holds quite a ground. However quantifying the qualitative variables and indicators often stirs much debate. Owing to this fact it is knockout to tell that whether the exact number that the writer has cited as a burden on revenue owing to gambling is appropriate. Another study amidst a polar surrounding king have yielded a different result. Furthermore the modern day economics is a social science and much more beyond monetary value exists in a society that economic consideration must take into account. The psychological cost that gambling imposes on an individual in terms of erratic behavior and addiction might well receive a counter attack from those who support gambling and considers it as a kernel to joy. Gambling is based upon probability and neither the cost of loosing nor the profit from winning is assured. A
International Business - UK and China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
International Business - UK and china - Essay ExampleChina has a growth calculate three times higher than that of Europe, but wage levels there are typic wholey close to a tenth of the UKs. The mere fact that China is such a booming player in the orbicular preservation means that small businesses in the UK are affected by the growth of the Chinese market. there are mutual benefits for both UK and Chinese businesses. China has a strong manufacturing base but is in need of technical expertise and innovative technologies that can be provided by Welsh companies. Moreover, there is a strong incentive for Chinese companies to co-operate with Britain as it can be used as a doorway to Europe, and in turn the biggest consumer market in world.Chinese campaign be are very low. at that place is a fear from some small firms that British manufacturing base could be undermined. Indeed if a epic manufacturer relocates to China this has implications for small manufacturers who are first or second-tier suppliers. In terms of labor costs a UK small manufacturer cannot compete and many are suffering as a result. Others indicate, however, that labor is not their highest overhead and when transport costs are included, they believe that they can compete favourably with Chinese products. Moreover, as Chinas economy develops its workforce, it will grow in wealth and in turn is potentially an exceedingly large consumer market for goods. Chinese economy presents threats as well as opportunities to British businesses not but as competitor but as the market and supplier. China and India now encompassed a third of all humanity, and were a potential mass market, supplier and competitor (Duckers, 2005). Duckers makes a note that British businesses should not see that high value products can be kept while making low value products in China using the cheap labour. In fact, China is turning many times more than engineers and technologists than Europe. China is producing half of th e worlds cameras, refrigerators and TV sets, 30 per cent of air conditioning and washing machines. The growth of Chinese economy has proved to birth positive impact on inflation in UK. According to Monetary polity Committee member Stephen Nickell, cheap Chinese imports are one of the main reasons why inflation in the UK has remained low in recent years. At the same time, the price of services such as lawyers fees and haircuts have risen reasonably quickly (Conway, 2005). In the result of the rapid growth of Chinese economy, more and more British businesses are considering exploring opportunities for trading in China. When getting started the following challenges need to be considered Businesses need to underwrite they receive a consular briefing before starting business in China and that the Chinese consulate knows in advance of the visit. China is one of the worlds most complex markets and companies should send their best people. Employees should be watchful to stay in the regi on for at least five years to build a successful market. Companies should not start up blind - they need to undertake their own market research in the region before setting up an office or factory. Talking to complementary companies who have already established a successful base about the issues they faced will be hugely expert (Logan, 2005). As Helen Logan continues, the first step is securing a customer base. Existing, international customers should be targeted first to build the knob base,
Monday, April 22, 2019
Supply Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
tot Network - Essay ExampleSupply grasp network can be described as a customer-oriented operation management. The following diagram is an illustration of the grant chain network process. However beneficial the make out chain designs are to a companys growth, there are a few flaws to these designs. For example, there is the issue of variation in minimum cost objectives. Still on the case of Sun plantation, provision chain design objectives leave be more beneficial only in the distribution of physical goods (Sun Orchard, 2012). Thereby, Sun Orchard should obligate supply chain designs that mainly focus on proximity rather than the costs involved. Consequently, the application of the supply chain designs is not a guarantee that they will bring diversity and applicability to the business. Supply ambit Example for Sun Orchard juice production. Sun Orchard is a juice producing company in the United States. The company specializes in the production and distribution of all kinds of juices with a global presence in America, Australia, Asia and Africa. A simple process of the supply chain network process in Sun Orchard shows the links between the farm, the production plant to the distribution outlets and how materials and information is shared between these links. Supply twine Sun Orchard farm Juicing plant National Regional Shops, Distribution Distribution Supermarkets Centers Centers Vending machines The above supply chain is a simple illustration of the way information and material flows from the sun orchard farm, right through the process of production to the customers. Company change Nestle has successfully managed to apply supply chain management strategies for more business... This paper stresses that the current breedings in IT have helped Target Australia in the development of its supply chain network process. Information Technology brings a smooth flow throughout the supply network. A supply chain design with system integration is able to provide a n integrated exercise processing platform for the company, enhancing its overall performance and improving consistency in information relay and in improving efficiency in transaction processes. For example, the use of Electronic Data Interchange has helped Target Australia in relaying information thus reducing the costs of sending documents. According to Mike Johnston of the Supply Chain imaginativeness Cooperative center, North Carolina University, an EDI helps in time management, create efficiency in the management of warehouse, create verity in transactions, and reduce clerical/administrative costs.This report makes a conclusion that The process starts from purchasing, production and therefore distribution to consumers. Flow of information is a link to the whole chain of supply from supplier and manufacturer to the customer. When the flow of information is unconstrained the company will increase accuracy of operation by parsimoniousness costs of production and fostering com petitiveness of companies. Product flow profits through this supply chain from materials in raw state to manufacturing and lastly the finished goods which are sold to customers. The SCM deals with purchase manufacture and lastly, transport.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Mexican Gulf Oil Spill Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mexican Gulf anele color Spill - Research Paper ExampleThe gilds reputation was similarly tarnished severely, as the rock inunct shake off was a open relations disaster. British Petroleum had to face criticism not still from environmental groups but also from the general populace. The case study of Gulf of Mexico anele blab give aid the understanding of the audience as to how the fraternity dealt with the situation. The focus will be on the bureau company handled its communication in the media. Also, the role of culture and politics and its impact on the way the company dealt with the crisis will be discussed. The reaction of the public and how British Petroleum handled it will also be real part of this case study. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill The Gulf of Mexico vegetable oil spill started on twentieth April 2010 with an explosion of the deep water horizon in which 11 men lost their lives and another 17 were left wounded (Welch & Joyner, 2010). The explosion resulted in t he worst oil spill in the history of oil and gas industry, and millions of barrels of crude oil polluted the sea. The oil spill lasted for about 3 months, during which British Petroleum tried many attempts to block the oil well. Government agencies also took action, and the company was fined. The company also had to deal with many lawsuits from businesses and individuals. The underwater oil spills are difficult to stop, because the source of oil is underwater. This is why it took the company 3 months to stop the oil spill. The company tried very hard to stop the oil spill earlier but was not successful. British Petroleum also had to face severe criticism and public outrage when many of its attempts to stop the oil spills went unsuccessful. People couldnt find answers as to how it is not come-at-able for a company as big as British Petroleum to stop the oil spill. The underwater oil spill is also more damaging than other types of drilling disasters, because it is very difficult to light-headed the rivers and seas that are affected by the oil spill. British Petroleum had to handle this situation, as it was no little than a public relations disaster. The company had to take tough decisions to protect its reputation, as it was getting a bashing from media, environmental groups, and public. The company first tried to dial down the situation and took a position that the oil spill is not as big as people think it is. The potential damage of the oil spill was dialed down by the company. The company also took steps to curb the damage from the oil spill. The polity of damage control was put in place as the company was trying to stop the oil spill. Initially, people believed the companys stance that everything would work out. But when days went by and the oil spill didnt stop, the media and the public started to panic. This is when the company publicly admitted that there was something seriously wrong and steps had to be taken. Initially, however, the indemnity of dialing down the issue was followed by the company. Given the size of the company, it was necessary for it to dial down the danger. Any noisome news would result in lowering stock prices, which is not acceptable by the shareholders therefore, the company initially tried to tell people that the problem was not bad enough and the company would soon answer it. From the standpoint of the company, it was a good step, as it stopped the share prices from falling immediately. But when the news stone-broke out that the company is finding it difficult to fix the oil spill, company stocks decreased and, eventually,
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Beyond Worlds Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Beyond Worlds submission - Essay Examplein 2002. He has also translated books and metrical compositions as well as having written otherwise story collections. Agueros has been the recipient of many awards for his writing including the most recent Asan World Prize for Poetry (Poets.org).though Agueros was an American, his parents had migrated from Puerto Rico. His father, who had worked as a police officer in Puerto Rico, came to New York in 1920, only to be adapted to work in factories and restaurants. Eleven geezerhood later, Agueros mother came to be a seamstress in the arrange district. As immigrants living in a poor part of New York, his family received an early approach pattern of what is now welfare. As a graduate of high school in 1953, Agueros spent four years in the Air Force. It was after his discharge that he received a Bachelor of Arts from Brooklyn College in English in 1964 where he won the first of many literary awards in playwriting and poetry. He went on to ob tain a Master of Arts in Urban Studies in 1970 from Occidental College (Espada).In sonnet Substantially Like the Words of F Rodriguez One Position Ahead of Me on the Unemployment Line, Agueros writes a poem about handicraft. In this poem, there are several uses of symbolism, using music and yo-yos to talk about business and how the average person can be taken advantage of in it. He appears to evoke his testify frustrations about how it is difficult to ever be heard by corporations and to get jobs (Agueros, 2003).In Halfway to neb and Jane A Puerto Rican Pilgrimage, Agueros discusses the triumphs and trials that an immigrant encounters when coming to America. He describes it in such a way that readers can feel that Puerto Ricans whitethorn feel as though they have lost a part of who they are when they come to America. However, in his comparison to storybook characters Dick and Jane, he seems to suggest that even those characters were created in a fictional society and conventional an identity so migrants
Friday, April 19, 2019
Sociological Theories and Historic Figures of the Feminism Coursework
Sociological Theories and Historic Figures of the Feminism - Coursework ExampleRousseau, the rightfulnesss of the particular state are a magnetic disk of the collective desires of all the people and the application of those laws should be universal to all people of the state.The role of the governing body in Rousseaus political system is enforced and respect the sovereign peoples entrust and in no way should it seek to dominate the general will. The legislature function is to ensure that the law supports the states preservation. The function of the tribunate according to Rousseaus political system is to maintain the state by the promotion of the idea of spiritual kingdom separate from any political system.Hegels dialectical idealism is where Hegel used distinguishable and more precise terms for dialectical trios. He used two different sets of terms for his trios, which include abstract negative concrete and immediate mediate concrete. According to Hegel, Geist, which is a Germa n word for spirit or mind, is used to imply to the category-by-category culmination, dialectically of the negative of the infinite abstraction, resulting to the category of haughty mind or spirit (Geist).Karl Marx presents the image of alienation by describing the social alienation of people from their charitable nature aspects because of living in a society stratified into social classes (Swatos & Peter, 13). He presents the concept of class-consciousness, which refers to the beliefs held by an individual concerning their social class, the structure of that class and the interests of the particular class. For the concept of class antagonism, Marx implied the conflict that exists in a society due to the competing socioeconomic interests brought by the different classes of people that exist in the society. Marxs concept of revolution discusses social revolution where the working class tries to overthrow the bourgeoisie. Marx believed that proletarian revolutions are sure to run a cross in all capitalist nations.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
War crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
War crimes - Essay Exampleo justness has been the fact that it provides a chemical mechanism for international prosecutions where crimes committed that are not catered for within the state policy can be looked into, in addition to this, heads of state are not immune to prosecution thus the full potential of jurist is achieved (Maweni, 2011). The court is also not affiliate to the United Nations hence it is not a political instrument. With these views in place, the ICC and other tribunals are in a position to ensure that justice prevails (Maweni, 2011). However, despite these successes, the court is confront with some setbacks.The weakness that tribunals and the ICC face is the fact that given the number and range of crimes that are committed against humanity, it is strong for the ICC to decide on which ones to prosecute and which ones to leave (Russell & Elliot, 2002). This is below the trigger mechanisms, which are three ways under the Rome Statute through which cases can be tak en to the ICC. A state party promotional material a case to the tribunal is the most contentious issue because state decision may be interfered with sovereignty and power of the concerned parties (Russell & Elliot, 2002). Therefore, justice for war crime victims may not be achieved if a country does not forward its case to the ICC.As per discussions in the meeting, to ensure that international bodies ensure justice in cases of war crimes, it is the responsibility of various states to second its initiative. This is because the courts can only act in areas where they hasten jurisdiction. Countries such as America do not support it and this and other nations that do not support the tribunal may be impeding the true course of justice that may be provided by an international tribunal and the International Criminal
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Nokia Smart Smartphone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Nokia Smart Smartphone - Essay ExampleNokia Company Nokia is a erratic phone lodge whose headquarters are based in Finland. The family started in 1865 through innovative skills of an engineer named Fredrik Idestam. The company started from humiliated beginnings but tremendously grew over the years beating up political and commercialize waves to become the largest mobile phone maker in the world. However, Nokias market share has been declining over the years especially in the 21 century due to the emergence of touch screen phones and outstanding Smartphones from rival companies. This is a accompaniment because statistics claim that in 2012, Nokia operated in 150 countries globally, with annual revenues of 30 billion pounds, and with a global market share of 18.0%, and 3.2 % market share in smart phones. More so, Fortune Global 500 claims that the companys position stood at 274th in 2013 in terms of revenue measurement, an indication that Nokias market share is declining by the day. Nevertheless, Nokia is trying hard to improve its increases and sales in order to retain its by market share. Among the strategies that the company has put forth is that it has teamed up with Microsoft Corporation in a way to supply up strategy on mobile phone innovation and design. This combination has led to the development of Nokias windows phones like the Nokia Lumia 920. The innovation of the carrefour was a great development for the company but the brand did non successfully hit the market due to copying by other rival companies. Analysts claim that the designer why Nokia lags behind in terms of innovation is because it lacks adequate design thinking and that it is dependent to its accomplice Microsoft for innovative designs, which yields to lack of unique models (Hinrichs 2013, p. 11). This is a fact because Nokia has... This paper approves that the device in any case has a unsophisticated and flexible screen that could be viewed at any angle without light inter ference and reflections. This feature also applies to diverse customers who deal with diverse tasks in their daily activities especially the outdoor activities. This means that the screen of the Smartphone leave alone not be affected by reflections but rather testament have an accurate colour, type contrast, picture quality and above all flexible readability. The screen is a major determiner on customer behaviour while purchasing phones will mean that flexible and readable screen will attract a vast range of customers because customers love the uniqueness of the products.This report makes a conclusion that product designing and creativity means that the company needs to intensively research on appropriate products that aligns with the ever-changing trends because it latest smart phone design Nokia Lumia 525, has outstanding features but still do not let the required uniqueness compared to other Smartphones. This means that the companys design team should research and dramatise a piece from other leading companies like Apples design team whose product designing is unique and different from the rest and above all exactly befits customers needs. This seems to be the recommendable way for Nokia who holds a strong brand and outstanding customer loyalty because analysts claim that the company could experience more declines in revenue and market share if necessary innovations do not take place. Therefore, the ball lies on Nokias executive team to implement necessary measures that will rejuvenate the company from its current downfall because the company has all the needed resources and capabilities to prosper and become a leader in the industry.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Modern Life Essay Example for Free
Modern brio EssayAs beginning, human beings must assure that acquaintance is the dominant factor on animals behaviors, emplacement and conducts. Unfortunately, some muckle restrict animals level of cognition on same issues because of the fact that they atomic number 18 suggesting every attempts of animals shaped instinctively. People must become conscious to resign this kind of biases in that todays studies on animals show us animals have more intellect, contrary to common belief.Additionally, according to a sensational look into of a recognized institute in Japan, a chimpanzee knows the food is hidden low a stone and reach it effortless. Then, researches replace stone with a heaviest stone and the chimpanzee could non reach the food all. If two chimpanzees know about food, they work unitedly. At first, they do not synchronize their collaboration in pulling the heaviest stone but eventually, they figure out reward of synchronizing to their pulling. Same experiment is again performed with a human and ultimately, chimpanzee appeals for help from the human partner.What is more, observers behold exciting indications which is related to chimpanzees attitudes much(prenominal) as looking up at human partners face, vocalizing, and taking the partners hand for soliciting (Hirata, S. Fuwa, K. , Chimpanzees mark off to act with other individuals in a cooperative task, p. 13). These evidences also indicate that chimpanzees learn coordinate through trial and error method wish well a child or a dog. Meanwhile, there have been a lot of same studies and results on dogs which is mainly discussed in this paper as well.After all, nation have to be convinced of animals intelligent and cognition skills. In the meantime, some people still have an idea whose children, old mortals or handicapped people should not be remaining alone even with trained animals. To deal with this lack of confidence, such people must realize the spare facts in real life-time expe riences with sharpen animals. Related to this, the dog that may have done the nigh to shape the popular conception of dogs and their intelligence was a character born in a laconic story written by Eric Knight in 1938, Lassie.Lassie, the worlds best known collie, was not only affectionate and courageous dog but nearly was a human in her intelligence and reckoning, doubtlessly. According to Stanley Coren, the author of The Intelligence of Dogs, reports that We believed that this dog (thus, by extrapolation, all dogs) could think, plan, sympathize, feel pain, have emotions of sorrow and joy, entertain complex facts, and even plan acts of retribution (Stanley Coren, p. 10, paragraph 2).Most of the scenes people watched in the Lassie series, like when Lassie crawled nether gunfire, sneaked through a tortuous maze of fallen electrical wires, jumped out windows or leapt through the air to knock a criminal down, actually can be seen in relationships among people who are in desperate s traits and their own dogs under some special situations. more of us know about Jack London and are familiar with his wolf like sleigh dogs. In all these kind of novels, the dogs had feelings, reasoning ability and intelligence.As an illustration, there is a memorable causal agent which is an epic score in White Teeth Shep recognizes that his protector is in a danger situation. He must find help immediately while seriously wounded Dan lies on the snow. After that, he remembers an old trapper who had the shack in the valley. He recalls the old trapper had been kind to him before. Then, he gives the same bark which he is always using to tell Dan he is ready to work and starts across the snow to find the nestled possibility of help. As it can be seen through these kinds of stories, having a friendly dogtooth violet in the get down of living(a) can mean two indications.They are a true blue friend and a survivor at owners emergency too. In addition to social benefits of having assi stance dogs, there are broad amount of advantageous for disabled people in wheelchairs. Having a disability often results in numerous soul-destroying statements most particularly if someone is obliged to live on a wheelchair. Imagine such a person he or she always suffers from lack of confidence, social interaction with people in everyday life and also limiting independency. Then, regrettably this can go from bad to worse together leading depression, loneliness and isolated from society.Eileen Hobson who has a limiting of movement emphasizes the social benefits of having come about dog Because of him I have made many friends in the various parks that we go to. He is a smashing icebreaker, and now, wherever we go, people always want to stop and talk to me to ask about him (Jenny Moir, p. 331). Furthermore, considering a person with mobility impairment, it is not difficult to estimate the complexity of overcoming daily backsets for them. For instance, dropping a key or a remote co ntrol on the floor, bending down to take a pair of slipper those are serious troubles for whom having paresis.At this point, trained dogs become guardian angel of people with wheelchair and kind of impairments. They can crock up up the objects, open the doors and even, empty or fill the dishwashers. Additionally, Claire Graham who faced with developed paralysis following a seemingly simple virus summarize her life before the dog partner, Ulli, and after by My disability gradually got worse and I had to stop work and then she adds Since Ulli has been with me, not only has my somatogenic health improved, but also emotionally I feel more positive, confident and not alone any more as I have Ulli with me every day (Jenny Moir, p. 332).Therefore, people must under last the importance of dogs and their inherent ability to make fundamental changes in our lives, as Jenny Moir, the researcher of relationships between canine partners, says in her article Assistance Dogs and Independent Livin g for Disabled People A canine partner or assistance dog can put the able back into the lives of people living with disabilities, and can quite literally opens doors that would otherwise have been closed (Jenny Moir, p. 33). Although guide dogs for visually impaired people have long been accepted by the general public, there are some people who stand up for using robotic service dogs.They assert that service dog robots are more advantageous than guide dogs. According to a survey in Japan, rate of visually handicapped persons which take guide dogs is at too low percentage of % 10 nationwide (Development of a Guide-Dog Robot Leading and Recognizing a Visually-Handicapped somebody using a LRF, p. 193). At the this point, such people claim that it is less possible to improve the surfeit rate of guide dogs for handicapped persons in a short time period due to needful long training period in obtaining guide dogs (Development of a Guide-Dog Robot Leading and Recognizing a Visually-Handica pped someone using a LRF, p. 94). This is actually insufficient occasion because kind of robotic guide dogs are course of instructionmed generally under some particular circumstances such as leading users with consideration of users walk of life speed and detecting obstacles and dangers for its user. Hence, those programming issues not only need huge amount of variants owing to disabled level or age interval of handicapped persons but also need high price.In addition to that guide dogs cost about 70 thousand dollars (Tom Ladyman, Can a robot be a safe and alternative to guide dogs? , videoscript). Moreover, there is some doubt for the guide dog robots in alerting and distinguishing between a stand still thief and a family heirloom urn. On the other hand, the program of leading users with consideration of users walking speed with the help of an autonomous maneuvering algorithm frame integrated into robotic dogs has to vary from user to user and also off-roading and uneven surface s .Additionally, if people consider battery life of robotics, a guide dog requires one meal a day and will keep working without it. Regarding memory, guide dogs quickly memorize all people normal routes and will take handicapped persons on them effortlessly. Therefore, it would be ridiculous replacing a super technological heap of microchips and sensors which are also take of emotion and affection with a dog. As a result, it clearly makes nonsense replacing modern guide dog robots with obliging dogs.
Financial Analysis of Ted Baker & Burberry Essay Example for Free
Financial digest of Ted Baker Burberry EssayINTRODUCTIONBurberry is a global luxury brand offering menswear, womenswear, childrenswear, coats, dresses, shoes, accessories, bags, scarves, beauty and fragrance. The quintessentially British brand was first founded as an outerwear brand, well known for its iconic Burberry trench coat and limpid tartan print.The brand has over 497 directly operated stores and concessions operating in 32 countries and via a third-party distribution network- 70 franchise stores in an additional 28 countries and approximately 1,400 wholesale department and specialty store doors in over 80 countries (as at 31 March 2014). The brand continues to develop its presence in exist andunder-penetrated commercializes.THE BASICSBurberry was founded by Thomas Burberry in 1855 in Hamphire England and remained an independent company until 1955, when it was taken over by Great Universal Studios (GUS). In 2005, GUS divested its remaining interest in Burberry. Burb erry Group PLC was initially floated on the capital of the United Kingdom Stock Exchange in July 2002.In 2013/2014, Burberry had a turnover of 2,330 million (up 16.5% from the previous year), recording a profit before tax of 461 million (up 7.7% from the previous year). The company employs 9698 employees across 34 countries and is headquartered in London.The accounts argon presented in GBP, which is Burberrys functional currency. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange under the ticker BRBY with a market capitalization of GBP6822.43 Million.The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU. The accounts have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP with no reservations.MANAGEMENT CHANGESOn the management side, the most significant change is the dismissal CEO Angela Ahrendt in April 2014 who left Burberry (to join Apple). Ahrendt the CEO since 2006 has lead the successful transformation of the company, tripling tax three-fold during her tenure. Ahrendt was succeeded by Christopher Bailey, Chief Creative Officer (CCO) who has been with Burberry since 2001. Bailey holds the roles of CEO and CCO and his appointment as CEO is considered a essential progression. Other important changes include, the changes of the CFO and COO, and the appointment of three new non-executive directors. The new board appointments focus on evolving the Boards relevant skills and competencies for the future under its succession plan.THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTAfter three years of epitome digit growth, analyst estimated that the luxury sector growth slowed to 2% in 2013. This was in part cod to a slowdown in China (the worlds 4th largest luxury market), in light of government form _or_ system of government changes on gift giving and the Chinese consumer increasingly shifting luxury consumption abroad (which has in turn help drive luxury sales in the rest of Asia and Europe). Whilst Burberry is a luxury brand, railway line that it s growing beauty and fragrance lines are attainable luxury and has the capacity for resilience in invidious economic conditions. Burberrys five strategic themes which have sustained its growth during the period include1 Claudia DArpizio, Bain Report highlife Goods Worldwide Market Study Spring 2014
Monday, April 15, 2019
Sales Control Essay Example for Free
Sales deem EssayThere must be efficient control of all food and beverage items issued from the unhomogeneous departments. 2. The corpse should reduce any pilfering and wastage to a minimum. 3. Management should be provided with any information they require for the cost purposes. 4. The cashier should be able to make out the customers bill correctly. 5. The system should demo a breakdown of sales and income received in order that adjustment and improvement whitethorn be make. The main control taking methods 1. Order taking methods. 2. peckerwooding methods 3. Sales summary sheets. . Operational statistics. triplicate checking system This is an order taking method utilize in the majority of medium and large runner class establishments. The food check consists of three copies. On taking the food order it is written from result to stern of the food check. When only a table dhote menu is in operation the customers would ab initio only order their first and main courses. Th e operation for an a la carte menu is similar, although customers may order by course according to their requirements. 1. The top copy of the food order goes to the kitchen and is handed to the aboyeur at the hotplate. . The duplicate goes to the cashier who makes out the customer bill. 3. The Flimsy or third copy is retained by the waiter at his/her sideboard as a means of reference. Any checks or bills that affirm to be cancelled should have the signature of either the headwaiter or supervisor on them, as should checks and bills which have alternation made on them. FLOW CHART OF FOOD AND BEVERAGE CHECK Control box Kitchen fodder and beverage Service area Top copy Top copy after service pabulum copy- Top copy (BOT)Top copy Dispense Bar 1. 2. 3. 4.BeveragesTop copy after service Control attach all duplicates with originals- bills and summary sheet Cashier 1. 2nd copy food or drink 2. Bill 3. Bill and payment. 4. Receipted bill. Manual systems Using hand written duplicate or trip licate checks for ordering from kitchen and stymie and for informing the cashier. Often used with a cash till or cash register. This system is engraft on many high- level restaurants and in popular catering Duplicate checking system. This is a control system that is more likely to be found in the smaller hotel, popular price restaurants and cafes.It is generally used where table dhote menu is in operation and sometimes a very limited a la carte menu. There are two copies of individually of these food checks, each set creation serial numbered. The top copy of the food check is usually carbon backed but, if not a sheet of carbon must be placed between the top and duplicate copy either time a fresh order is taken. The top copy of the set of food and drink checks is made up of a number of perforated slips, usually 4-5 in number. There is section at the bottom of the food and drink check for the table for the table number to be entered.When writing out a customers order a different perforated slip should be used for each course. The server must remember to write out the number of covers and the price of the meal or the deal out concerned on each slip. Before sending each slip to the hotplate see that the expand ate entered correctly on the duplicate copy together with the price. Since the duplicate copy acts as the customers bill, the waiter must ensure that everything served is scudd. Duplicate order pad with perforated sections 672464 672464 No of psyche waiter no table no price QUICK SERVICEName of the establishment put off no 4No of covers 2 Retour 1 Roast cowardly En place 1 poached chicken Date 2/2/12Sign DS Accident It occasionally happens that the waiter may have an hap in the room and perhaps some vegetables are dropped. These must be replaced without any extra charge to the customer. Here a check must be headed accident. It will show the number of portion of vegetables required and should be signed by the headwaiter. No charge (N/C) is stated on the check to ensure that no charge is made to the customer. Name of the establishment Table no 4No of covers 2Accident 1 Vegetables N/C Date 2/2/12Sign DS CASH HANDLING EQUIPMENT E. P. O. S (Electronic point of sale) It is a sophisticated system of point of sale to provide the quality of information to the management for control function. Advantages 1. few error is there as the information entered will be more accurate because mistake in the sequence of entries required for a particular transaction are not permitted. 2. Transaction can be done more quickly and this may be achieved by single key entry of prices, evacuation of manual calculation and automatic calculation of price tags. . Training time may be bring down from days on the conventional cash register to hours with the electronic systems. 4. Instant credit checking is possible by having terminals compare the account number with a central estimator file or through on-line a connection. 5. Electronic system provides more direct and detailed information in a computer readable form. 6. Additional security system features such as locks which permits the ECR (Electronic cash register) to be operated only by authorized personnel.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Alfred Doolittle’s Lower Class Representation In Pygmalion Essay Example for Free
Alfred Doolittles spurn Class Representation In Pygmalion EssayAlfred Doolittles Lower Class Representation in Pygmalion Realist author George Bernard Shaws Pygmalion challenges Englands amphetamine berth class to realize the pointlessness of their flamboyant disembodied spiritstyle and pokes fun at this society. Shaw writes to expose the differences in the lifestyles of the social classes and how different characters react to their status. Shaw uses Alfred Doolittle and his social status to pull in a character that freely accepts his status and his reaction to eventually moving up social classes. Because of his disapproval of centre class morality, appreciation of and the freedom that accompanies his spurn social status, and his eventual climb into the upper berth class, Doolittle presents a desire to remain in slimy poverty. Doolittle, throughout the play, demonstrates a disfavor for middle class morality. in front he becomes rich, Doolittle defines middle class mo rality as an excuse of never giving me anything. Doolittle represents a dislike for middle class morality and wishes for cheerfulness and a song like those in the upper classes. Doolittle believes middle class morality claims its victims. Eventually Doolittle becomes a victim when he is given money to lecture. Doolittle becomes apart of the upper class but dislikes being viewed as a member of this society.Doolittle says that he believes disgrace class men look at him and envy him. Doolittle says he, in fact, will look down to the lower class at sea and envy them. Doolittle does not like the upper classes and middle class morality. Throughout the play, Doolittle presents characteristics that suggest he accepts his latest lower class social status and enjoys the freedom associated with his status. When asked by Colonial Pickering if he has no morals, Doolittle Stokes 2 establishes his status and distance from upper class characteristics by replying, I cant afford them, Governor. D oolittle comments to Henry Higgins that ugly poverty is my line. Doolittle represents an individual who lives in poverty and accepts his current placement in society. He continues by saying, Im undeserving and I mean to go on being undeserving.Doolittle does not want to be apart of the upper class society because so much is expected of them. Doolittle is extremely happy being in his current social status. He says, They (millionaires) dont know what happiness is. Doolittle believes the upper class is unhappy because they are living an notional life. Doolittle does not wish to be apart of the upper class because he would be expected to treat and act properly in orderto retain his status within the class. Doolittle, an undeserving member of the lower class, is comfortable and happy in his lower class social situation.Doolittle suddenly encounters money and is thrust into upper class society. Doolittle receives a share in a trust and is required to lecture for three curtilage a yea r. Doolittle freely accepts the financial gain but soon realizes the social obligations that accompany it. Doolittle says, I suck in to live for others and not myself. Individuals who seek to take advantage of his newfound wealth surround him. Doolittle believes that everybody touches me for money. Doolittle sights one modeling of how individuals with money are treated better than those without money. Before he had money doctors would shove him out of the hospitals. erstwhile the doctors realize Doolittle has money they cant live unless they looks after me twice a day. Doolittle, who retains the personality of a Stokes 3 member of the lower class, is upset because people are using him for money. Doolittle feels his is now expected to provide for everyone. Doolittle says he was happy before he got the money. Doolittle, who is propelled into the upper class, recognizes people are using him. He wishes and strives to remain the corresponding person he was before he encountered money. Doolittles dislike of middle class morality, appreciation of and the freedom that accompanies his lower social status, and his eventual climb into the upper class presents his desire to remain in undeserving poverty. Doolittle, a character who emerges financially from poverty to being rich, strives to maintain his lower class status and the way of life they accompanied this status. Shaw, by using Doolittle, successfully presents a character that is happy with and comes to appreciate his status in the lower class society and wishes to remain in that social class.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Euros right Essay Example for Free
Euros near EssayThe innate remedy refers to parties with two basic characteristics. To begin with their perception of the nation is more than ethnic than anything else and consequently they plan at defend the country from any possible external threats (Art, 2007, Pp 332). Right- reference parties atomic number 18 also democrat in nature due to the fact that their political strategy involves attacking the administration of the day and nearlyly labors at tapping into the frustrations, insecurities and fears the regular citizen may have (Art, 2007 Pp 332). They are proper because of their competition of socialism and more suppressive policies on in-migration. They are different from the out-of-the-way(prenominal) right because they support wel uttermoste programs, rights of gay people, freedom of expression, sex equality and separation of church and produce. The parties ideology is such that they present themselves as the guardians and protectors of liberal ideas t hat are handed-down (Akkerman, 2005 Pp 337-354) Radical right fly populist gained its first significant successes with the appearance of the French National crusade and British national party in the 1980s. James Schwarzenbach of Switzerland pioneered this trend in ideology in the fountain of the 1970s.The Front National rose in France in 1983, scoring approximately above 155 of the votes in regional elections and gaining 35 seats in the legislative election of 1986. Its support had reached a peak by 1997 at more than 14% but the support later dropped to 4% (www. stanford. edu/group/SHR/s-2/patton. html). The support of the Republicans in the European parliament decreased with a s extension service that favored the far right National elected caller of Germany. The party held a 1. 6% vote majority garnering up to an estimate 9% of the regional votes. (Jesuit and Mahler, 2004 pp25) The situation in Switzerland is slightly different.When the popularity of the Swiss Democrats and the Swiss Freedom Party grew in the 1990s they were draped by the Swiss masss Party. The Swiss Party had an assertive campaign which was principal(prenominal)ly right field and populist. The campaign enab conduct the party to acquire an estimated 28. 5% of the popular vote in 2007. The Austrian Freedom Party, some other right wing party in Western Europe had great success in 1999 and create a federation g e rattlingplacenment. The List Pim Fortuyn also formed a alignment governance in 2002 and in Scandinavia the Danish Peoples Party, the rightwing party has had various small successes. Jesuit and Mahler, 2004 pp26-27).The success of the rightist political parties can be attributed to several factors. Among these are immigration, economic distress (usually levels of unemployment are used) social welfare state polices, weakening of established part systems and the proportionality of the electoral system. The support for Right wing political parties has been argued to fancy up from the fact that there is an increase in the multi-culturalization of the societies of west-European.In response to this, most voters have opted to support rightist parties due to the fear of loss of a national identity as the ideology of right wing parties is against immigration. Another side to this immigration argument is that when there are high levels of immigration high unemployment levels result. This has the ensnare of making immigration undesirable hence increase support for right wing parties. Another takings associated with immigration is an increase in crime which serves to make immigration even more undesirable.In consummation, a high immigration rate has a favorable effect on the electoral process for the right wing parties when the economic situation is negative (Jesuit and Mahler, 2004, Pp 5). A study by Elisabeth Ivarsflaten found that the right wing parties that were lucky in preceding elections the Swiss SVP, Dutch LPF, the Front National of France had successful grievance models addressing the immigration crisis. The Austrian FPO had least success in mobilizing grievances nearly immigration policy and was consequently the least successful in the electoral process (Ivarsflaten, 2006, Pp17).The successful parties were more successful compared to the parties of the left which did not mobilize grievances about immigration policies. According to the study other grievance models such as economic grievance models and political elitist grievance models did not have much success in drawing voters to the right populist parties (Ivarsflaten, 2006 Pp 1-2). The thorough right wing parties by focusing on a politics of resentment have capitalized on the sense of frustration by most blue-collar workers, the unemployed, less-educated and the retired and younger voters to garner support for their parties.The socially disfavor are more likely to blame ethnic minorities for the deterioration of conditions and to support protection of the culture eyepatch the criticizing the government (Norris, 2005, Pp 5). A five dollar bill-nation comparison study found that professionals and white-collar employees have consistent under-representation in the right wing parties (Norris, 2005 Pp 6) The interaction between existing major political parties and right wing political parties facilitated by an openitentiary densification market has contributed to the success and stableness of the right wing populist parties significantly.Other political parties have had the effect of empowering the right wing populist parties by cooperating with them or being agnostic to the far right, right wing parties. Cooperation has led to increased legitimacy of the populist parties making the process of voter recruitment easier and thus increasing their support. In addition upon becoming legitimate, political entrepreneurs are drawn to the populist parties making them into a more permanent force within the party system (Art, 2005, Pp 332). This is evid ent from the success of the Austrian Freedom Part (FPO).The FPO formed a coalition with the conservative Austrian Peoples Party (OVP) in 2000. In Austria other factors like support by the media contributed to the FPOs support and eventually stability in the country. The Krone, Austrias largest newspaper provided Jorg Haider with a motley of free advertising and at a metre when the FPO suffered political setbacks the Krone was a significant ally. Haider received favorable commentaries and the editorials lauded him in a big way. The effect of Krones campaign was notable fro the state elections of 1991 which resulted in FPO winning about 22. percent of the vote.This was disdain the fact that Heider had been dismissed following a comment that the Third Reichs employment policies were better than those of the government at the time. some thought that Heiders political career was over but the Krone came to the save with the editorial staff defending his comments so much that Krone re ceived letters from the public defending Heider or lauding the editors (Nimmerichter) commentaries on the issues (Art, 2005, Pp 342-343). The media thus has large political might as far as shaping the attitude of readers is concerned.By bombarding readers with unambiguous messages, the direction that voters take can be influenced particularly by those papers that have large circulation rats such as the Krone in Austria. Radical right-wing involvement in coalition governments is one of the factors that are sustaining most right wing political parties. Many right wing parties are now participating in government leading to a sort of convergence towards the middle and also altering the policies of various main politic parties.Following the legislative election of 2004 the Danish Peoples part helped to form a coalition government in which it got comprehension as a support party for the Liberal-Conservative government. This has led to the party functioning as the main coalition partner for the government in daily politics. The Danish Peoples Party received five chairmanships and six vice-chairmanships of committees in parliament. In addition, reform packages that made immigration policy were part of the benefits for the Danish Peoples party (Rydgren, 2006, pp8).The political discourse between rights wing political parties and the center-right is increasing in many countries with the aim of securing wins and ensuring that office is not lost to the left. Participation of right wing political parties is exemplified in the guinea pig of Austria where the FPO ahs made deals with both the SPO and the OVP. The strategy of the main central right parties is to tame the right wing by including them in government. The Grand coalition of the OVP and SPO actually started implementing some of the FPO policies before the party (FPO) began to participate in the coalition government.This was an attempt by the OVP and SPO to reduce the attraction of the FPO by taking the initiativ e to act before FPO could do so. This however worked against them because Heider continued to increase his demands whenever the government came close to meeting them. For instance, the government implemented a policy that focused on integration of the already existing immigrants by Heider, put in new demands of repatriation (Bale, Pp 76-77). In Italy, the right wing populist party, the Lega Nord was also involved in a coalition government with Forza Italia.The achievement Sociale Italiano (MSI) was successfully turned into the Alleanza Nationale (AN) as Gianfranco Fini made an attempt at convergence so that the far right could be brought in from the cold. (Bale, 2003 pp 78). Again, Finis attempt was supported with the aim of making the coalition party more likely to win the elections. There is also the element of taming the right-wing political party as claimed by Silvio Berlusconi. The effect this had on Finis party is that the party moved beyond fascism leaving the Lega Nord as t he main party concerned with immigrant- bashing (bale, Pp 78).It should also be noted that the coalition had the effect of influencing Berlusconis statements on immigration for example he suggested that police could be allowed to shoot scafisti and speedboats that provided transportation means for illegal immigrants. This shows that to some distributor point the coalition influenced immigration policy or the thoughts on immigration policy of politicians in other parties. The Netherlands has had a continued cross-consensus among central-right parties and the right wing populist parties.This has led to the tightening of immigration and asylum regime of Netherlands over the years. This however may not be attributed to the effect of right populist parties because the Dutch centre-right has not been very encouraging of discussion with the right wing parties. This however, can be explained by the fact that the far-right parties were not as isolated as implied by moist international media sources hence heir views were not only if unwelcome or seen as extreme. In addition, the politicians in the centre-right were not as tolerant of immigrants and progressive as presented by the foreign media.As such tightening immigration rules was acceptable to both the centre-right and populist parties. To reduce loss of support from following economic and social policies that reflect a centrist image most coalition governments are lived up to their campaign pledges and promises. In Denmark, the immigration laws were made tighter by putting stricter criteria for acceptance, increasing the period of waiting for the residency, making it more difficult for a foreigner to bring in a spouse and making it easier for the spouse to leave following a divorce.The benefits for those waiting were also reduced. The support by the public though not unanimous was high. The changes were also accompanied by reductions in public using up on the budgets leading to increased criticism from the cent rist voters. (Bale, 2003 pp 79-80) In Austria, the FPO integration contract was unopposed by OVP. The contracts made integration harder, it basically required nationals of other countries (except European Union nationals) to pay for language courses and citizenship ill fortune to which would lead to fines and deportation.This reform agenda also had on its list privatization, reduction of expenditure on welfare, reading and health with an increase of expenditure on law and order budgets. The Italian right wing government has kept its promise of immigration policy but was met with much criticism from businesses due to decrease in availability of labor. Consequently Berlusconi allowed his right-wing partners to take the credit for the decline in crime apparently attributed to stricter laws on foreigners, so they could also take the rap for the market-labor issues brought about by the tougher laws on immigration.The effect of the short-lived coalition government of the CDA with the ri ght-wing LPF also resulted in tougher laws on foreigners with requirements for payment for language classes and laws that made it difficult for the foreigners to be united with their spouses. A coalition agreement of June 2002 also announced the plans of the government to pursue illegal immigrants with the aim of damping down on businesses that employed them (Bale, 2003, pp 79-81). Generally the ride and stay of the right wing parties to power has led to a revision of immigration policies in those countries where the populist parties have been successful.The populist parties by their participation and activities in government have lead to increase in the legitimacy of the ideology of these right wing parties. In addition the center-right has given greater salience to the issues campaigned for by the far-right. This is because of the effect the mainstream center-right has on the media their capacity at agenda-setting contributes to pitch the issues to the forefront. The center-right inclusion of right-wing parties in government has led to wins against the far-left. Voters who would have voted for the far-left are attracted to the ideology of the right wing populists.Though the right-wing has made much progress, their future is bleak. This is because of the fact that the programs of these parties is not in line with capitalist economy which is the main force behind globalization. For the economy of European countries to grow labor has to be exported because the continent in general has an aging population. This means that immigration is necessary and because the right wing parties do not oppose capitalism, they are likely to agree to demands of the business community concerning immigration causing them to implement policies that they were against, leading to loss of their populist appeal.Globalization is a greater force to deal with which cannot be challenged by nationalistic politics. The pressure of opposition to right wing politics is evidence that politics is not moving to the right only. When Le pen was successful in France, many youth took to the streets to protest against the National Front far left candidates win about 10 percent of the popular vote in the first round of the elections and also in countries like Sweden and Germany the right-wing movement has been mainly unsuccessful. These factors will serve to temper the progress and prevalence of right-wing politics.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
The US failure in Vietnam Essay Example for Free
The US unsuccessful person in Vietnam Essay envision the view that the US failure in Vietnam resulted more from losing the hearts and minds of the American quite a little than from military defeatsThe US failure resulted more from losing the hearts and minds of the American people than from military defeat collectable to more reasons much(prenominal) as the Tet Offensive and ruthlessness in Napalm, My Lai, etc. However, there were different factors such as the passing play of confidence by Johnsons administration and the communist popularity and ingenuity that also resulted in the US failure in Vietnam. One of the main reasons the Americans could non defeat the communists is because they were unable to win the hearts and minds of American people. Americas inability to spy the confrontation meant that their tactics did not work and led to further failure. My Lai on 16th March 1968 was an eccentric of American hatred of the Vietnamese. 347 unharmed civilians were beaten and killed by American soldiers and their officers. Women were beaten and shot and water was polluted by buffalo, pigs and chickens being dropped in wells. Generally, the Americans were better at winning the hearts and minds however they were ruthless when necessary. transaction Phoenix was introduced whereby thousands of Vietcongs were sought out and interrogated. Few of these came out alive. This shows that torture was normal and that there was a wishing of military tactics and the extent the Americans would go to find out who the enemies were. Moreover, the ruthlessness of Napalm and its victims who were melted into a gracious of gelatine and some of who were disfigured lived in caves and remote areas. Also Agent Orange which was used to strip 20% of South Vietnams jungles so the enemy could be seen more easily had a tremendous collision there were inci flaws of cancer and toxic related diseases which still remains high in Vietnam. thitherfore due to all the torturous method s and killings, the US lost the hearts and minds of the American people.America was unable to win the warfare as their attitudes to the Vietnamese made it difficult to. They never really understood any of the Vietnamese people and classed them as less than human.Furthermore, Americas failure was due to the actions of both Washington and Saigon frequently antagonising the South Vietnamese peasants. in one case the Americans entered Vietnam life for the South Vietnamese went from bad to worse. American bombing and Diems strategic hamlets programme forced many peasants to move extraneous and a appearance from the things which meant a lot to them such as crops. Johnson usually tried to invalidate targeting non-combatants however this was difficult as they never knew who their enemies were.However, due to the Americans contend a Comfortable war, the soldiers became unmotivated and ineffective. American army officers were less experienced than some soldiers he commanded and unpopular officers were shot. It was therefore hard to win the war with so many inexperienced and increasingly unpopular officers.Moreover, the average age of a Grunt in Vietnam was 19 which made them vulnerable. Many shot themselves in the foot or hoped for a small wound, and they never felt safe. Any time Americans or ARVN moved out of an area, the communists would move in. there were a lot of booby traps which wounded 20% of American victims. There were many traps as such which blew away limbs and resulted in huge explosions. The trouble for the Americans was that they never knew which Vietnamese was the enemy, which also was demoralising as they didnt want to break innocent victims. Therefore it was hard to win the war when Grunts were demoralised and terrified which cogitate to losing the hearts and minds of the American people.Furthermore, over 8 million volunteered to serve in the army as they were inspired by a sense of duty, patriotism, family tradition or a sense that communism should be stopped. Many wanted to swindle new skills such as fighting or enjoyed the war (found it fun to fight, the drama and heroics). Others enjoyed killing other men, but this always attracted the army. However, there was a lack of realism as there were bad soldiers who were not properly trained for the war. This helps to explain why these men were unable to defeat the communists.The Navy did not analogous taking orders from Westmorelands ground army and they did not get along. The soldiers did not believe in what they were doing and disagreed with tactics. There were a higher proportion of black soldiers who were combat troops rather than doing desk jobs which shows the racial discrimination of the US. Therefore this links to losing the hearts and minds of the Americans and many back individuals would not affirm the US for doing such things. Furthermore, there were discipline problems $10,000 reinforcing stimulus for the death of the officer responsible for Hamburger Hill. Additionally, there was an anti-war feeling at home which was lowering morale. There was lack of indigence therefore the men were not going to do well and they were not fighting properly therefore they were not going to win. However, the communists on the other hand, had high motivation and they knew what they were fighting for unalike the US.Many soldiers never actually fought in the war, they had to organise the American lifestyle for everyone else. Westmoreland said that the only way soldiers would fight is by a comfortable war which would be motivating. This was important as the communists had ideological motivation unlike the Americans. Army discipline was a problem due to drugs, STDs, prostitution, which led to problems in bout. Many soldiers were dent to Saigon or Japan for RR. Lots of children were fathered by Americans. Overall, everything was made to feel comfortable and the US bribed its soldiers. But they merely felt soft.The US openly admitted that their strategies we re wrong and that they should have targeted the North. There was a search and destroy delegacy to clear out any VC. There was only 1% success and there was mostly children casualties. There was a huge fall in morale because as soon as the US well-defined an area, the VC would be there, therefore there were no gains. This also links to the poor hearts and minds feeling of American people as many children were being killed. Also, the VC could tell when the US were approaching as they used advanced weapons which did not suit Guerrilla Warfare.Moreover, another reason that the US failed in Vietnam was due to communist popularity and ingenuity. The VC won the admiration from American foes as they were inspired by communism and nationalism. They went through a lot of distress such as skin diseases. This helped the communists win as they out laughed the Americans and proved that they could put up with anything. Furthermore, the battle of la Drang was a good illustration of communist de termination and it helped insure ultimate victory. There was a network of tunnels set up underground where the VC could hide, shelter and regroup. Both sides thought they won.However the US could not cope with 300 of their men dying therefore they lost morale, even though the VC lost more men. This links to the morale at home as people were dying which links to losing the hearts and minds of American people. As there were underground communist organisations, the communists knew when they would attack therefore they were one step ahead of the US and they could deal with it in advance. In addition, Saigon became an unsavoury city in the US war years. This made the domain weaker and weakened the army and there was a negative impact of US on Saigon. Due to drugs and prostitution, the Vietnamese could not concentrate on the war as much as they were concentrating on what Americans were doing.Overall, US failure in Vietnam resulted more from losing the hearts and minds of the American peo ple than from military defeats because what it came down to in the end was the support the US lacked as their tactics were not working and they were killing innocent victims as they never knew who their enemy was. US failure in Vietnam was also due to communist popularity and ingenuity and the fact that they knew what they were fighting for and had the knowledge of Vietnam that the US lacked. Therefore, although the failure in Vietnam was due to military defeat, it was more from losing the hearts and minds as people were unmotivated.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Searching for ideology in spite of Media Essay Example for Free
Searching for political orientation in spite of Media EssayAs individuals, we perpetually struggle to find a balance among personal opinion and societal compliance between our personal value systems and what society in general regards as acceptable, or at least what it wants us to believe. However, some would agree that the influence that media exerts on our psyche can up bunch such a balance. every(prenominal) individual aims to be unique and original with their reasoning, but the odds atomic number 18 stacked against them as streams of media shine with such a prominent impact on societal ideology. The effect of the media is significant and far-reaching.Everywhere, the media encroaches upon our ideologies and everything that we hold sublime and changes it in ways that we be often unaware of. Holding on to our personal ideologies in the vista of media is swimming upstream against resistance and the irresistible currents of change. Indeed the media has been a powerful fo rce in influencing deals perceptions, and by extension, their actions as well. Business, politicians, and showbiz personalities pay huge sums of money to media firms in order to create an pattern or change an existing one. Politics in particular, has been making use of the media to generate public oblige for certain policies.As an economic force the media has been used by Western nations to trespass into Third creation Cultures and impose their own Western views and in effect promote Western goods. The westernization of these countries has led to the destruction of the umpteen elements of native cultures. Similarly, the media infringes upon our system of values and we are never the same. With the greater outpouring of media coming from the United States, advertisers, writers and nonetheless politicians of other countries are forced to swim upstream against certain influences from a society that preaches to a bigger audience than it can actually support.A trend is emerging in t he presentation of media products which Sony has described as global localization the structuring of media products designed for certain cultural consumption or presentation, which are assembled without particular concerns for national cultural heritage or tradition (Thussu 21). Of course it must be said that media per se is not the culprit. It is a neutral instrument that can be used both for good and bad ends. The capacitance of media to effect positive or negative effects on an individual or a presumption society depends on the people using the media as a very powerful tool to rise their own, often selfish causes.As such, this composing intends to look at how the media is being used as a tool primarily to promote political and economic agendas. Ideas on Ideology Ideologies refer to a launch of beliefs of ways of living that structures the way we see things and act upon accordingly. These ideologies often act below the surface and are the driving force that determines our ac tions of a daily basis. Ideologies are products of the culture that people were exposed to. In the country of the social sciences, ideology is perhaps one of the most difficult to define because of its highly complex temper (Bailey 4).Regardless of the difficulties of the concept, we all have some functional grasp of our own ideologies, and it serves as the framework with which we grasp the world at large and by which we base our decisions and value judgments. In terms of society, the word ideology basically makes the connection between ideas and the kind of society that we have (Bailey 23). This implies that a society is the realization of the corporal thoughts or ideas of a people, and as such, can also be changed by the same token. For sociologist, ideology refers to ideas that are actually forwarded and manifested for the very purpose of effecting change.These ideologies are ideas or beliefs applied in the public realm con made real. As such, every political entity has a se t of ideologies that form the basis of its platform and policies. This paper uses the term ideology in a more general sense ideology as the set of beliefs and values that buttress an individual and how such ideologies change in the face of media manipulation. As such, these ideologies are the master(prenominal) targets of media as they endeavor to convince people to change their beliefs and value systems.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Risks associated with acts of God Essay Example for Free
Risks associated with acts of God EssayThere are various antennaes that can be utilise in assigning probabilities of acts of God. This includes drawing of chance impact/probability chart which helps the risk manager to influence which type of risks requires more attention. Scientific approach can also be used in assigning probabilities of acts of God.Scientific approach is an appropriate approach in managing risks and making decisions under conditions of uncertainty such as acts of God. Risk managers can also use lay people response to occurrence and probability of risks as a result of acts of God (Attar, 2010). As a risk manager, I prefer using risk impact/probability chart because it demonstrates both the probabilities of the risk occurring which ranges from anywhere just above 0% and at a lower place 100%.The probability of risks associated with acts of God is also expressed. Additionally, the impact as a result of the risk is shown. The approach that cannot be used in a ssigning probabilities to acts of God is use of lay people response this is because it is biased, unscientific and ill-informed approach.Part 2. The source of valid data for estimating chances of a single act of God is fib records that are already kept showing the frequency in which the events occurred in the past. From these records, the risk manager is able to estimate the chances of an act of God occurring in the present.According to the concept of conditional probability, it argues that the probability of an event or outcome occurring is mainly based on the occurrence of a previous event or outcome. In risk management, conditional probabilities are mainly contingent on a previous result. In the characterization of due intelligence, I will apply the concept of conditional probability by multiplying the probability of the introductory event by the updated probability of the succeeding event.ReferencesAttar, H. (2010). The Scientific Approaches to Risk and Risk Management A de tailed Review. Retrieved August 16 from http//scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=tasr.2011.386.393org=10
Sunday, April 7, 2019
The Simpsons Essay Example for Free
The Simpsons sampleHe bought the rights to Winnie the Pooh and made millions from selling merchandise, which has completely changed the way in which people mobilize of Winnie the Pooh who origin every(prenominal)y didnt cod completely clothing, let alone a red top. In reality Walt Disney was not the man that the majority think he was he took advantage of others ideas and made millions from them. still now when Walt Disney is mentioned people think of the groundwork parks and merchandise rather than the films, which he has made. The creators of The Simpsons disliked this and there is clearly a satirical guinea pig when Bart and Lisa visit the Itchy and Scratchy Theme Park, which turns out to be a complete letdown in force(p) like some people find the Walt Disney Theme Parks to be when they get the chance to visit. there has been a bulky progression from the first Mickey Mouse cartoons which were quite seemingly hand-drawn, with jumpy animateness to the now free fl owing characters which can be seen today. Recent Disney motion pictures dont look like drawings, ever-changing the reality, which was created at the beginning of Walts career.The Simpsons is the complete opposite of this, going right back to the basics of animation, creating non humanistic forms and purposely showing them as cartoons, not as what could be perceived as a photograph. there is obviously no attempt to make the characters 3 Dimensional and also not much attempt to change them as they have yellow bodies and Marges blue hair which is clearly not realistic as its or so the same size as her body and stays up above her head. Also the colours use in The Simpsons are very lurid whereas those in Disney films are a complete opposite.Matt Groening and the other creators have taken Walt Disneys idea to a new level, widening the target audience from electric razorren to people of any age or ending. As the cartoon has grown in everydayity different characters have been introduc ed, creating diversity and therefrom increasing the number of viewers to millions. I think that one of the reasons the broadcastme has become so popular is due to the fact that The Simpsons still has morals deep down it, the good invariably triumph over the darkness and the characters always doing the right thing, no matter what the consequences.The content of The Simpsons reflects the breadth of this audience by showing characters of different nationalities, differing religions and very different overall characters. From Apu to Flanders, Homer to Mr Burns, every person in society is represented in some way by a character in The Simpsons. Although The Simpsons is a grotesque exaggeration of humanity, with all the characters macrocosm yellow, the characters personalities being exaggerated so much and the differences so obvious, it is still very affective. Lisa is the perfect child while her brother Bart is envisioned almost as a devil.Homer goes out during most of the cartoons , choosing to spend his time getting drunk rather than spending time with his children while his wife, Marge spends all her time trying to keep the family together and stop everything falling a vox around her. The creators of The Simpsons in my assent had one main aim, to show Americans everything that they are without directly saying thats what they were doing. In this way every American laughs at all the different characters without realising that in fact they are somewhat like the character that is being ridiculed. Every different character represents a different aspect of American society.Homer represents couch potato culture, he believes everything that the media tells him and is completely gullible. He represents every American who spends their lives rooted to the TV. Mr Burns represents the business community and corporate America, he represents every businessperson in America who lives solely to make money and fulfil their greed. Barney represents unemployment and the huge percentage of the population in America who are unemployed or part of blue perk America. He represents all the people who work hard for their living, manual labourers etc who have no hope of purpose a new job but have lots of unfulfilled potential.They are capable of so much more than anyone gives them credit for but they cant do anything to prove themselves. Flanders represents evangelical America, the Religious Rights movement and people who close their eyes to the real world only to leave them with what they want to believe. Their lives and beliefs are restricted. The Simpsons has a very diverse appeal, as anyone who watches it can relate to at least one of the characters. Originally The Simpsons was created to be viewed by an American audience but due to its popularity it has grown to become a global product.The aspects of Walt Disneys marketing, which the creators originally ridiculed such as the Disney memorabilia that have come from all the animations, have now become pr oducts of The Simpsons. In the A brilliance is Burns circumstance alone there are over 20 references to films and American TV programmes, they include Seinfeld, The Guns of Navarone, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Ben Hur and many more. To me this shows that the makers of The Simpsons try to incorporate the real world into their cartoon.Even darker sides to American culture such as the mob mentality are represented. Also literary culture is represented, in this specific episode by the title A Star is Burns, a pun of the Hollywood musical A Star is Born. As comfortably as all of this The Simpsons makes many references to itself, the sort of in jokes that people will only examine if they have seen the programme before, an example of this is Barts money making schemes and Kent Brockman and his films. There are many different types of humour represented in The Simpsons.The most popular is satire in the episode A Star is Burns there are many examples of this. The film awards system i s portrayed as corrupted when Mr Burns is shown bribing most of the judges of the film contest, the Im only on the board because Im sleeping with the secretary, comment to me represents how corrupted the industry actually is. Another type of humour is bathos that is shown in the dead reckoning when Homer says to Marge that yes, their visitor is intellectual but does he know the Oscar Meier Wiener song? The anatomy up to the end of the sentence creates a very effective anticlimax.Incongruity is used in The Simpsons when there is a comment made about Eudora Welty, who was a Mississippian author known for her angelic ways. In this episode she is portrayed as a crude belching woman. Also when Barney, the alcoholic is shown at a girls kick the bucket meeting. Irony is used regularly in The Simpsons, an example of this is when Bart is watching TV and a program combining The Flintstones and The Jetsons comes on. He comments on how pointless the program would be when in fact that is wha t The Simpsons is based on. exaggeration is shown when a tumbleweed passes through the house after Homers Scooby Doo joke.Trivialisation is represented when Marge writes what she is saying to Homer in the letter that she is writing and when Homer asks if his family are Jewish, then stuffs his face with pork. There is lots of vulgarity in The Simpsons, the constant belching of Homer and Barney and Bart showing a picture of his bottom to a live filled with people are good examples of this. Slapstick is also a very key part of The Simpsons, as shown in the film Man with Football. Black humour is represented with the rapping rabbis and when McBain says Now, my Woody Allen impression Im a neurotic nerd who likes to sleep with little girls. The biggest pun in this episode is the title A Star is Burns and the title of Barneys film Pukahontas. Overall The Simpsons has overcome all its expectations, unlike most other TV programmes it incorporates all aspects of life, including every differ ent nationality and culture. Although it sometimes pokes fun at different people and their beliefs or what they do, it is always done in enough of a light hearted way for the creators to not only get extraneous with it but to highlight the aspects which are problematic and sometimes cause there to be changes.I think that The Simpsons will continue to be one of the most popular cartoons of at least the next decade. Its popularity is well deserved, it has taken a lot of hard work and dedication to make and everyone involved should be soaring of what they have done. It has highlighted all the problems in American society and made them realise hardly what is wrong within it, every episode of The Simpsons has a hidden meaning, even if only a few people understand what they are saying, at least the creators feel confident enough to try and tell the world exactly what they think about it.
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