Friday, May 31, 2019
Negative Relationships in Hawthornes Rappaccinis Daughter :: Rappaccinis Daughter Essays
Negative Relationships in Hawthornes Rappaccinis Daughter How far reaching is the alinement between father and daughter? To most, that bond serves to protect the child until she is able to protect herself, and then for her to be independent. For Dr. Giacomo Rappaccini and his daughter Beatrice, that bond was to be twisted and in the end fatal for Beatrice. Beatrice, by her fathers plan was never to be free and independent plainly rather isolated from the life of the b alone and dependent on the poisonous substance from her father. Dr. Rappaccini is obsessed with science and what the manipulation of nature can do for people. He is overprotective of Beatrice and thinks that he can provide the solution to all of her problems. Knowing the evils of the world as a young man, Rappaccini decides to take control over Beatrices life and make sure no one can ever hurt his near daughter. By filling Beatrice up with poison, Rappaccini succeeds in keeping Beatrice from any evi l but at what price? Beatrice is free from any evil touching her, but she is also isolated from any good that may come to her. What could Rappaccinis rationalization for controlling his daughters life so completely be? It is probably due to a hard life lived by Rappaccini and the assumption that the world is evil and that there is no hope for goodness. But, what Rappaccini does not understand is that purity is chosen individually, not coerce upon someone. His insane zeal for science(2251) has made Rappaccini obsessed with controlling his surroundings. From isolating his daughter through poison, to spying on her activities, to engineering his garden, to changing another valet de chambre being with poison to be with Beatrice. But, that is not to imply that Dr. Rappaccini does not love his daughter with all his heart. In his own way he does love Beatrice beyond any measure. This is his justification for why it is all right that he be so controlling. He believes that wit h his love and knowledge he can provide all that his daughter needs. But, this is where Dr. Rappaccini is wrong. His love is not all that Beatrice needs, and therefore she is not happy in her evil-free existence.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Women in the Military :: Women in Military Essays
Women now comprise 14 percent of the active-duty Armed Forces of the United States. That figure is up from 1.6 percent 25 years ago (Christian Science Monitor 199820). In 1948, President Truman signed the Womens Armed Services Integration Act which formalized the role of women in the military. at a lower place the law, each branch of the service was allowed to appoint one woman Colonel (By dramaturgy, 199802). Now, there are numerous women who serve as Generals and Admirals. They comprise all components of the forces including serving in combat units and aboard ships. It is hard to measure whether their integration into the services has been a success or a hindrance. Generally, when looking at the issue, one should consider the effect of the integration on defense readiness, unit cohesion and morale.The contributions of women to defense readiness are in a number of areas. Women occupy diverse positions in the build up forces. A large percentage of women work in the areas of healt h care, administration, personnel, and supply. In fact 44 % of all women in the military serve in the health care field (Rabkin, 1999). More and more women are entering nontraditional fields such as aviation, surface warfare, air traffic control and field artillery (Rabkin, 1999). From 1992 to 1998, for example, the number of marine flight officers and pilots increased from 0 to 62 (Rabkin, 1999). Similarly, the number of enlisted army women in field artillery increased from 32 to 122 during the result 1992 to 1998 (Rabkin1999). Basic training for women has been an ongoing issue for the military in terms of animal(prenominal) readiness. Military experts think that softening the training for women fails to transform them into physically fit, adept soldiers who are supposed to be prepared for the demands of duty. They also think that accommodating women undermines the warrior spirit that draws young men to the military.The dropout rate for women is higher than for men. This can be attributed to the demands of physical readiness and coed training. Women fail to fulfill their commitments to serve in the military in all branches of the military. Leading the dropout rates are white women with an average rate of 43%, followed by black women at 33% and Hispanic women with 31% (Park, 199908). The possibility of women becoming prisoners of war is evident. One case in point is that of Melissa Rathbun-Nealy a military trained truck driver.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson E
The allegory The rum Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson conveys the theme of dichotomy in nature in which man is fighting himself, or in this case, another version of himself. Being a psychology major, it is interesting to determine a case this serious over how an alter swelled head can control the main psyche up to the indicate where it no womb-to-tomb conveys influence, but quite manipulation. In order to understand the control an alter ego can in conclusion have on the individual, it is eventful to comprehend exactly what an alter ego is and how an individual can lose dominance over it.A common misconception with this story is the readers belief that Dr. Jekyll suffers from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia (also called dementia praecox) is a psychotic disorder characterized by progressive deterioration of the personality, withdrawal from reality, hallucinations, delusions, social apathy, and emotional instability. In laymans terms, someone who suffers from schizophrenia is natural with this disease and believes they hear voices, or see images, in their minds commanding them to complete certain tasks. They have no idea who the voices are or when they came to exist, but eventually they give into the demands in order to mutism the voices. Subsequently, they withdraw themselves from society in the process. These symptoms do not accurately match up with the symptoms of Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll did extract himself towards the end of the story only because he could no longer manipulate his transformations. Nothing in the story reveals him being born with such a disease. Due to this, he cannot be classified as a schizophrenic. some other universal misconception is that Mr. Hyde is Dr. Jekylls split personality. This seems comprehensible ... ... song represents the emotions tied in with someone who has an alter ego. The movie Mr. permit is a reflection of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and how he battled with himself to contain c ontrol over his mind and his nature. This is how each source reflects the story of The nameless Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Works CitedStevenson, R. Louis. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The Norton Anthology. New York W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008. Print.Mr. Brooks. Dir. Bruce A. Evans. Perf. Kevin Costner. Blockbuster 2007, Film.Celesty. goliath Inside. Song and lyrics retrieved 3 May 2012. Hamilton, John. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Web. 3 April 2012.Florentino, Sonya. Alter Ego. Poems by Sonya Florentino. New York, New York. Penguin Publishing. 2009. 48. Print. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson EThe story The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson conveys the theme of duality in nature in which man is fighting himself, or in this case, another version of himself. Being a psychology major, it is interesting to see a case this serious over how an alter ego can control the main psyche up to the point where it no longer conveys influence, but instead manipulation. In order to understand the control an alter ego can eventually have on the individual, it is important to comprehend exactly what an alter ego is and how an individual can lose dominance over it.A common misconception with this story is the readers belief that Dr. Jekyll suffers from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia (also called dementia praecox) is a psychotic disorder characterized by progressive deterioration of the personality, withdrawal from reality, hallucinations, delusions, social apathy, and emotional instability. In laymans terms, someone who suffers from schizophrenia is born with this disease and believes they hear voices, or see images, in their minds commanding them to complete certain tasks. They have no idea who the voices are or when they came to exist, but eventually they give into the demands in order to silence the voices. Subsequently, they withdraw themselves from socie ty in the process. These symptoms do not accurately match up with the symptoms of Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll did extract himself towards the end of the story only because he could no longer manipulate his transformations. Nothing in the story reveals him being born with such a disease. Due to this, he cannot be classified as a schizophrenic.Another universal misconception is that Mr. Hyde is Dr. Jekylls split personality. This seems comprehensible ... ... song represents the emotions tied in with someone who has an alter ego. The movie Mr. Brooks is a reflection of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and how he battled with himself to contain control over his mind and his nature. This is how each source reflects the story of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Works CitedStevenson, R. Louis. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The Norton Anthology. New York W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008. Print.Mr. Brooks. Dir. Bruce A. Evans. Perf. Kevin Costner. Blockbuster 200 7, Film.Celesty. Demon Inside. Song and lyrics retrieved 3 May 2012. Hamilton, John. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Web. 3 April 2012.Florentino, Sonya. Alter Ego. Poems by Sonya Florentino. New York, New York. Penguin Publishing. 2009. 48. Print.
Fitzgeralds Exploration of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby Essa
Fitzgeralds Exploration of the American vision in The Great GatsbyF. Scott Fitzgeralds novel, The Great Gatsby, is a one of the go around stories written during a chaotic period in our nations history, The Jazz Age. The Twenties were a time of social experiments, self-indulgence, and dissatisfaction for majority of Americans. Fitzgerald depicts all these characteristics end-to-end the novel with his interesting themes, settings, and characters. The most elaborate and symbolic character Fitzgerald presents to his readers is Jay Gatsby. Fitzgerald uses Gatsby as a vehicle to explore the idea of The American Dream, which was a key fixings in shaping American society and its citizens. Fitzgerald does not sugar-coat his definition of the American Dream, but lets his protagonist voice these elements and its decline, challenging the reader to explore the genuine nature of America in the 1920s. Jay Gatsby, like many average Americans, has a dream of becoming successful and noble. I n The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby decides to pursue The American Dream as a young adult. Gatsby came from a poor social class, which forced him to work hard even though he would receive no gritty status in life. Gatsby knew this, but always remained very ambitious and refused to settle for a life of janitors work. It wasnt until Jay was 17 years disused when he found his real inspiration to become successful. Before World War I, Jay Gatsby met Daisy and fell instantly in love with her. Unfortunately for Ga...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Delisting the Grey Wolf Essay -- Nature Animals Extinction Essays
Delisting the Grey WolfThe United States weight and Wildlife Service are considering removing the gray wolf from the endangered species list once Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming have abundant wolves to be deemed sufficient to continue to expand the wolf population, requiring only that each of these three states have a management plan in effect to foil the gray wolf from becoming endangered again. With the current attitude of the governments in these states, the wolf should not lose their federal support under the Endangered Species prompt as it would merely serve to cause the wolves to become endangered once again, or at best, held to the absolute minimum population that the states can pass dispatch as viable, self-sustaining populations (bill, par. 4).Idahos legislature makes little attempt to hide their wish to be rid of the wolves completely. Within the very text of the senate synchronal resolution that seeks the delisting of the wolves, it is stated that The State of Idaho is o n the record asking the federal government to remove wolves from the state by the adoption in 2001 of House control stick Memorial No. 5. The position reflected in House Joint Memorial No. 5 continues to be the official position of the State of Idaho (State, 1). The grudging compaction of the legislature to put up with the wolves follows this, declaring in the war-weary voice of an unjustly put-upon that in order to use every available option to mitigate the strict impacts on the residents of the State of Idaho, the state will seek delisting and manage wolves at recovery levels that will ensure viable, self-sustaining populations (State, 1) which is later defined as 15 packs, with as few as 10 packs being acceptable to the state before control would reve... ...Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2001 Annual Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2001 .State Affairs Wolf Conservation/Management Plan. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 134 15 Mar. 2002 .Wolf foes see delisting as opportuni ty. The Idaho Statesman 22 Dec. 2002 .Wolf management bill sent to House floor. The Idaho Statesman 14 Mar. 2002 .Wyoming draft plan for gray wolves criticized. The Idaho Statesman 9 Nov. 2002 .Wyoming plan for wolves gets heat. The Idaho Statesman 26 Nov. 2002 .
Delisting the Grey Wolf Essay -- Nature Animals Extinction Essays
Delisting the Grey WolfThe United posits Fish and Wildlife Service are considering removing the gray wolf from the endangered species list erstwhile Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming have enough wolves to be deemed sufficient to continue to expand the wolf population, requiring only that each of these three states have a management excogitation in effect to prevent the gray wolf from becoming endangered again. With the current attitude of the governments in these states, the wolf should not lose their federal support low the Endangered Species Act as it would merely serve to cause the wolves to become endangered once again, or at best, held to the absolute minimum population that the states bed pass off as viable, self-sustaining populations (bill, par. 4).Idahos legislature makes little attempt to hide their wish to be rid of the wolves completely. Within the rattling text of the senate concurrent resolution that seeks the delisting of the wolves, it is stated that The State of Idah o is on the record asking the federal government to remove wolves from the state by the ad preference in 2001 of House Joint Memorial No. 5. The position reflected in House Joint Memorial No. 5 continues to be the official position of the State of Idaho (State, 1). The grudging condensation of the legislature to put up with the wolves follows this, declaring in the war-weary voice of an unjustly put-upon that in order to use every available option to mitigate the severe impacts on the residents of the State of Idaho, the state will seek delisting and manage wolves at recovery levels that will ensure viable, self-sustaining populations (State, 1) which is later defined as 15 packs, with as few as 10 packs being acceptable to the state before control would reve... ...Rocky Mountain Wolf retrieval 2001 Annual Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2001 .State Affairs Wolf Conservation/Management Plan. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 134 15 Mar. 2002 .Wolf foes see delisting as oppor tunity. The Idaho Statesman 22 Dec. 2002 .Wolf management bill sent to House floor. The Idaho Statesman 14 Mar. 2002 .Wyoming draft plan for gray wolves criticized. The Idaho Statesman 9 Nov. 2002 .Wyoming plan for wolves gets heat. The Idaho Statesman 26 Nov. 2002 .
Monday, May 27, 2019
Brave New World Essay
Aldous Huxley was a writer of several novels, including the most famous adventurous New World. He was born on 1894 and died on 1963. His following includes politics, philosophy, parapsychology, psychology and mysticism. He was known to take away close relationship to several people who energize inclinations towards science. He has a botanical father and had worked in a chemical plant. gallant New World was written during an era where psychology and familials function a vital role in explaining introduction behavior and reactions.It is then not impossible that there allow for come a metre that human race will be experimented using psychology and genetics to be able to determine the extent of its effect. 1)Identify the characteristics (dimensions) of the narrative. A narrative is close telling stories, thus, it consist in general of a plot structure, contravention, characters, setting, theme and point of view. The plot structure is basic ally the outline or the framework of the total narrative it includes the introduction followed by the move action and the climax and then the falling action and finally the resolution.The conflict on the other hand is the disagreement in the narrative usually it is where the whole plot revolves. The characters argon the players or those who perform in the narrative. The setting is where the narrative takes place. The theme is the topic or the issue/s being portray or shown as the narrative progresses. The point of view is what the characters or the author seems to think from their perspective. 2)Discover an explanation for how the narrative creates meaning. The narrative creates a meaning by putting all of its dimensions together.Weaving one with another, it generates an idea that later result to a series of story which are connected with one another. 3)What is the setting? Where does the story takes place? Brave New World starts in Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, there is a tour in the Hatcheries . The director is explaining to the students the process of reproduction of customized human beings. The story takes place during A. F. otherwise known as After Ford. 4)Who are the characters? Are they human? Fleshed out? Known and unknown traits. The first character to be shown was the Director Tomakin.He was the director of Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. As the story succeeds, he was shown to be a part of a scandal involving his intensity of Linda, a second caste or Beta and having a watchword with her named fanny, some 25 years ago. The next character was Linda Crowne, she is another Beta which depicts the natural female in the Brave New World. She is nineteen years old and is a lab worker at the Conditioning rudimentaryize. She is Bernards love interest and she also like Bernard. Bernard is the main character in the story, he works as a psychologist in the Conditioning Centre and belongs to the Alpha class or the first class.He is the one to expose the son and wife of Director Tomakin. John or more commonly known as the savage is the son of Linda and Tomakin. He lives in the savage Reservation along with her mother. He causes the big embarrassment for the director. He found his mother in the dying bed. He serves as the character who lives in the old world or something like that. Mustapha Mond is one of the World Controller. At the beginning of the narrative he told the students who are touring the Control Center about monogamy and the bond between mother and child, which he remarked as horrifying.Helmholtz Watson looks like Bernards Bestfriend and adviser. He like Bernard is not in party favor of the new order he thinks that there is something that is not right in the system. Ford is another term or shortcut for Freud which serves as the new perfection as revealed in the story by Mond. Other characters are just minor characters. Among the characters, the savages are the only one who is really creation or those who run short humans in the natural sense. Other characters are fleshed out. Although they are till humans are homo sapiens, they are not created in the normal process.As stated above, they are somehow, customized. 5)Who is the narrator? Attitude toward story? Powers available to narrator? Characteristics? Trustworthy & reliable? The narrator is actually not among the characters thus he/she have the capability to tell the readers what is actually taking place in the narrative. The narrators attitude is somehow against the world order but it seems that the narrator is curios of what will happen after things are going this and that way. I could not say for sure if the narrator is trustworthy and reliable since there are instances wherein he/she tries to jibe part of the story.Also, since the narrator is not an actual character it is hard to tell how much is his/her if his/her interpretations are coherent. 6)What are the events? Which are important for the storys festering? Which flesh out the story? Th e first three chapters generally describe that brave new world. The tour in the Control Center gives us a brief overview of the workings involved in the conditioning and reconditioning of the people, from conception to old age. Then the presentation of Lenina as the typical human being during that time in contrast with Bernard who seems to deviate with what is foreseen as natural.The visit to the Savage Reservation which shows the members of the old world and how they live corresponds to the presentation of a small part or population who still live in the old system. Meeting John and Linda who turns out to be the Directors family, John being a child conceived through normal sexual intercourse which the new society or the Fordian society believes to be obscene. The presentation of John as the son followed by the fame of Bernard that was only short-lived since John did not show up in the conference which was arranged to confirm his identity.Then it shows the Shakespearean love that Jo hn snarl for Lenina while Lenina shows the love she knows, this leads him to beat her. It was then followed by Lindas death which leads to a riot at the hospital. This leads to the arrest of Helmholtz, Bernard and John. Bernard and Helmholtz were sent to another island far from England. John on the other hand was permitted to live n England. The people in England seems to drive John crazy, thus at the end, he killed himself. 7)How are events related in time? How are they told in the story? (Flashbacks? ) What is the speed or pace of the story?The events are related as the story progresses however there are indeed some flashbacks especially the scenes with John in the savage Reservation. The speed of the story is fast paced but there are enough explanation for either scenes. 8)What are the causes and effectuate? Are causes human? Supernatural? Are effects caused by accidents? Forces of nature? The Causes are the humans as can be seen since it is the humans who create the brave new world. Accordingly, the world is patterned to how Freud had conceived family as a disintegration of individual.The new order also aims to promote happiness by hearling everything in the human life. The effects are not merely accidents but an understanding of a utopian view. 9)Who is the audience? What can we tell about the audiences knowledge, personality, and abilities, on the basis of the speakers attitude toward audience? The audience is basically the reader which is also the spectators who are looking introductory the development and progress in the narrative. The speaker speaks of the audience as someone who wants to join or be included in the utopian like world where everything is equal yet individuality is missing.10)What is the theme? It may be an underlying truth or saying. How obvious and clear is the theme? Community, Identity and Stability has been the central theme of the whole novel since it is even the motto of the new order. The theme is very obvious since it is d iscussed in the novel. Stability is always mentioned with its reference to control and less conflict. Science seems to be the central source of power in the brave new world, science is used to provide less conflict through conditioning and minimizing conflicts.11)Does the narrative fulfill its creators purpose? I believe it has fulfilled its creator purpose of delivering a novel that shows a future society if it will be designed or patterned to a communal, scientific capital system. Everyone will be treated in the same way. People do not experience loneliness because they are conditioned to be like this and do that. People are treated as mechanisms and/or things that can be rejected if it does not suffice its purpose. People live and die with the purpose of living together harmoniously in a fake reality.12) Does the narrative provide useful ideas for living your life? Yes, it had me thinking of my own view regarding Utopia. It also gives me an insight about the way society has effec ts on the individual. The way the society can shape and somehow manipulate what an individual will think and how he/she will react. Also, it shows that although science, in general and genetic engineering in particular, may be used to treat illnesses and can improve life, it might also result to artificial human beings which are created in laboratories.ReferenceHuxley, A. (1958). Brave New World.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Langston Hughes “Salvation†Essay
Salvation is taking from the first of these , The Big Sea ( 1940 ), and written by Langston Hughes who was a brilliant author, poet who wrote fiction, history, autobiography, and he worked at various propagation as a journalist. You rear end clearly regulate in Salvation was taking time at South country side. From the Title Salvation you can have a guess and you will be right if you were thinking or so church, God and so on. - yet not really saved?-To bring the puppylike lambs to the fold? -When you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside -So I sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting for deliveryman to come to me -The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts -Then he said Wont you come? And the little girls cried. And some of them jumped up and went to messiah right away. But most of us just sat there -Nothing I wanted something to happen to me, but nothing happened -Oh, Lamb of God Why dont you come?-I bega n to be ashamed of myself, holding everything up so long. -So I got up -Then joyous singing filled the room -I was really crying because I couldnt bear to tell her that I had lied, that I deceived everybody in the church, that I hadnt seen Jesus, and that now I didnt believe there was a Jesus anymore, since he didnt come to help me. Langston Hughes recalls how he was introduced to religion and the church. He goes to say that at thirteen years old he was brought to his Aunt reed instruments church and was told that he needed to be saved by Jesus Christ. At the ceremony, while all other children went up to accept Jesus, Langston and some other child named Westley remained seated.At the congregation prayed and the priest sang psalms, Westley cracked under the pressure and went up to the altar, but Langston still sat. He had literally taken the give voice you will see Jesus and felt bad about lying to the church because, after all, he had still not seen Jesus but was spooky to meet him. Finally, Langston came to the decision that it was getting late and one little lie about seeing Jesus couldnt hurt. He then went to the altar and certain Jesus. That night his aunt heard him crying and assumed that it was because he had come to terms with God, But Langston was crying because he felt guilty having to lie to everyone about seeing Jesus and he was even more hurt that Jesus never came to help him. At first, the piece seems to be about naive boy who believes that Jesus would physically appear in front of him. In deeper sense, however, it dives into a questioning of faith.The story could be seen and a very common scenario among people having problem with identifying there religious inclinations. Sometimes, there so much pressure put on people by their peers to choose a religion. These people often musical note for signs or aid from a higher power to help guide them. After receiving no signs or guidance, they renounce faith in God and Jesus and blame the higher b eing.In Langston case his aunt, the priest, and the congregation put tremendous amount of pressure on him to become a member of the church, instead of explaining to him that see meant to understand and accept that Jesus died to save him and give him eternal life. His aunt could have helped him by explaining that not physically see Jesus that evening. Instead, he felt alienated possible because this way first that he had ever known of anything having to do with Jesus or the bible, and he was not helped to understand what was going on.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Corruption in Sudan Essay
Other cities like Omdurman have 2. 1 million, Port Sudan have a summarise population of 450,000. Kassala, Kosti, Juba are the capital of southerly region. People from the country are called Sudanese and 2009 in July Population was 41,087,825 2. 143%. There are two ethnic groups to wit Arab/Muslim, theses group of people live on the northern musical composition of the country and black African or Christian on south.There are in addition two character references of religion, Islam (official), indigenous beliefs (southern Sudan), Christianity. There are also many languages like Arabic which is official, English also official, tribal languages. Education in Sudan is compulsory for close to years,8 Attendance(35%-40%). Literacy level is 61. 1. This countrys main natural resources include reserves of oil, gold, natural gas copper, iron ore and other industrial metals. Sudan got its independence on January 1, 1956 and the type of government they operate is the provisional government which was established by the comprehensive peace Agreement (CPA) and signed in January 2005.This offers power sharing as remote as the national elections takes place. The national election took place starting from April, November 2010. Sudan became the largest debtor to the World Bank and IMF by 1993 this resulted to the suspension of their voting rights by IMF and withdrawals under operative and fully expended loans and credit by the World Bank. It was also verbalise that extensive petroleum exploration began in mid1970s and might cover all of Sudans economic and energy needs.This year according to martin Sudan may need as much as $1. 5billion of foreign aid a year and plans 2 slash government spending by a quarter as it faces budget difficulties due to its recent split into two countries, its finance minister said and according to the finance minister were expecting 6 percent (economic growth) or a little more for 2012 There have been conflicts with the northern and southern part of Sudan that have killed 1. 5 million people and also driving many ethnic groups and people from their homes.Sudan had had several episodes of civil welfare since its independence, broke association and directly rule with Egypt (this actually did not benefit them anything and further trouble). All regions of Sudan face problems, both the south and the north and corruption can be counted as one of them. The southern part of Sudan has separated as an autonomous region in July 2011 even though it is a different enjoin but it is stock-still a very poor nation with a very low human development. Media on the southern part of Sudan is very poor, undeveloped and not rise equipped.A journalist(s) does not have the right to broadcast, report or give any news, information to Darfur (other part of Sudan) and if any journalist(s) violates that law, he/she/they would be severely penalize and even be jailed. Today, many journalists are still in prison and only God knows when they might be freed and which will be out. For example, in October 2010, a radio station Dabanga in Khartoum after a movement of arrests was shut down by the government and seven of its employees have been alleged of exposing state secretes, breaking the constitutional system, the punishment foe this crime is a death penalty.The civil war of 1991 in southern Sudan destroyed almost all southern medical facilities except those that had been rebuilt to treat their people who have been wounded in Juba, Malakal and Waw, these three hospitals are controlled by the government. The facilities were impracticable to use because of the scarcity of the most basic medical materials and a similar problem is faced in the northern Sudan, health care facilities had been considered helpless by the economic situation.Sudan does not have the unspoken currency to buy basic drugs, such as antibiotics and anti-malarial drugs, and the most important equipment, such as syringes. Private medical care in towns still functions but was also hindered by the scarcity of pharmaceuticals. In conclusion, I think after analyzing these situations in the area of banking, finance, media and medicine, the conflicts and political instability and so one, those should or are the main reason why Sudan is rated as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
Friday, May 24, 2019
From Dull to Brilliant: The Aesthetics of Spiritual Power of the Yolngu Essay
In the essay From Dull to Brilliant The Aesthetics of Spiritual force out of the Yolngu, the creator, Howard Murphy had discussed about the art of the Yolngu people. Yolngu atomic number 18 indigenous people that inhabit the northern part of Australia. On first look on the Yolngu art, we may key out it strange and weird to the art that we used to. But after reading Howard Murphys line of businesss about aesthethics, we may fair have to change our look about the Yonglu art and art in general. Howard Murphy had argued that the aesthetic achievement of art differs for varying cultures (Murphy 302). To put it in simple terms he full subject matter that what may be beautiful to you may not even be acceptable to me. The author even introduced this argument with saying that aesthetics itself has no universally accepted definition (Murphy 302). The author said himself that this argument can be translated to the clich beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the light in which the object is seen.The author immediately notified his readers that the trajectory of the essay will be far from traditional art essays. He treasured the essay to whole cerebrate on the Yolngu art. He said that we should view Yolngu art as Yolngu art, not compare to European art. This is just logical as we cant actually compare things that are very different. This poses a problem if anyone is to view art objectively.The author wanted to utilize concepts that western art is familiar with. He wanted to incorporate the theory of response and typical art critique techniques but that seemed problematic. Those concepts correspond to the idea that of we are to view art, we are supposed to feel something. The predicament arises as it appears that the Yolngu people dont have art critiques or aestheticians, even the concept of those practices dont exist in the Yolngu culture. To resolve that problem, the author explained that the Yolngu also have a criterion in which they can measure the su ccess of an art. The Yolngu are concerned with the effects of the art to the sense. In that sense, there is a similarity by which the Yolngu and Europeans view art (Murphy 303).To support his arguments, the author went on with the discussion of the Yolngu creates and the concept of Biryun. He has strewn all around the essay Yolngu words care mardayin and minytji. These words dont even have direct equivalents in the English language. The exclusivity of the meaning of those words only supports the authors arguments of aesthetic-cultural relativism. That simply means that there exist concepts that cant be translated cross-culturally. And one of these untranslatable concepts is aesthetics.There are just things that cant be translated for cross-cultural understanding. Moreover, no theory is ever able to fully explain why art is naturally universal. The author has included images of Yolngu paintings in the essay. And I should say that these paintings were really amazing. I think the aut hor may have over complicated his argument that aesthetics cant be translated cross-culturally. With one look of the Yolngu paintings, one just knows that these are the kind of paintings that big-time collectors will kill all(prenominal) other for.One of the paintings is entitled Yangarinny Gumana, or the Long-necked Freshwater Water Turtle. The painting is a representation of a current of seawater carrying debris of wood and logs along the river. Like most cultures do, the painting tells its viewers about the culture of those who have painted it (Murphy 305). Another Yolngu painting that is simply adorable is the Djapu Clan Shark Painting. The paintings serve functions for rituals and telling myths.A very important element of the essay to support the authors argument is the Biryun. Biryun is a Yolngu word that pertains to the generalized spiritual power that Yolngu paintings can potentially posses (Murphy 310). The concept of wiz is very important in Yolngu art. They regard the q uality of brilliance with ancestral power and with beauty.In more specific painting terms, biryun is the flash of light together with the sensation of light that the viewers of the painting experience when they are viewing the painting. The paintings are basically brilliant as in illuminated as it reflects light. Biryun is achieved by Yolngu painters by using marwat (a brush made from human hair). The marwat is lightly applied across the surface of the painting to produce the fine cross-hatched lines. This gives the painting a visual effect that makes the painting appear as if it is shimmering (Murphy 311).As a conclusion, the art of the Yolngu people is sure as shooting very different to European art. But that doesnt necessarily mean that cultures cant ultimately understand each other. That is why we have art. Art can serve as a bridge for cultures to understand each other. As the author had pointed out in his conclusion, the effect of the biryun operates cross-culturally. It jus t tells us that everyone may not understand an art through another culture as fully as it can understand those done by ones own culture.That may be the case, but still we unexplainably appreciate all forms of art regardless of the culture it originated from. I bet that there is really no need for a modified form of aesthetic relativism as cultures were already doing that unknowingly. Although though that, interpretations will always be certainly varied. But I guess that is arts nature. Those interpretations should be left to the preference of the audience. There should be no unified interpretation whatsoever. That will only make art boring.Work CitedMurphy, Howard. From Dull to Brilliant The Aesthetics of Spiritual Power of the Yolngu.The Anthropology of Art A Reader. Blackwell Publishing. 2006.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Kasanayan Sa Filipino Essay
Romblon /rmblon/rom-blohn, (Tagalog Lalawigan ng Romblon), is an island province of the Philippines located in the MIMAROPA region. It lies south of Marinduque and Quezon, east of Mindoro, north of Aklan and Capiz, and west of Masbate. Its capital is likewise named Romblon. According the May 2010 Philippine census, it has a total population of 283,930 people.2 The province of Romblon is composed of three larger islands Romblon Island at the center where the provincial capital is located, Tablas Island to the west, and Sibuyan Island to the east. It similarly includes the smaller islands of Banton, Maestro de Campo, Simara, Carabao, Carlota and Isabel. Approximately 187 nautical miles (346 km) south of Manila, the islands of Romblon lie on Sibuyan sea, south of Marinduque Island and north of Panay Island. To the east is the island of Masbate and in the west, the island of Mindoro. The province is composed of three major islands Romblon, where the capital city of Romblon is located , Tablas, the largest island in the province, and Sibuyan, the easternmost island.There atomic number 18 also four smaller island municipalities Banton Island, Simara Island, Maestro de Campo Island, and Carabao Island. Most of Romblons islands have a mountainous and rugged topography, and are of volcanic origin. The highest elevation in the province is Mount Guiting-Guiting in Sibuyan, which stands at 2,058 m. The peak boasts one of the most challenging climbs in the kingdom due to its jagged summit.3 Due to its geography, the province is endowed with lush vegetation and mineral resources. The fertile soil nurtures various agricultural activities. Being an archipelago, its coasts are stud with numerous fine, white sand beaches such as in Carabao Island and Cresta del Gallo. Offshore, Romblon is a rich fishing ground.The islands lie on the migratory path of fishes from the Sulu and Visayan Seas, passing the Tablas Strait, Sibuyan Sea and Romblon Pass.4 Romblon does not have a tr uly pronounced wet or dry season though the heaviest rainfall occurs from September to January. The driest months are March and April which are the best months to visit the province. 27 Celsius is the annual mean temperature, with February being the coldest month with temperatures dropping to 20C, and May being the warmest month wherein temperatures could reach 35C. southwest monsoon winds or Habagat pass through the province from June to October while northeasterly winds or Amihan blows through the islands from December to February.This Turtle Sanctuary Project is Sponsored by Chris Bech and his wife Theresa brink Land Estate Inc. Tablas Island. We are proud to pass on our latest pictures of the new baby Turtles that were hatched yesterday at our Turtle Sanctuary in Ferrol, Tablas Island, Romblon. 64 new baby tip overs all hatched and are healthy and eating well, there are another(prenominal) 120 eggs in another batch, and 80 in another batch of eggs, they should hatch within t he next week or so, we will update you. We have made a turtle egg protective area, to protect the eggs from predators, and we have a nipa hut where we assist visitors and have viewing area, we are in the process of make a new web site Romblon Marine Life which will be published early January 2012.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Writing Style of The Moonstone
The Moonstone by Willie Collins has a very unique writing style, creating an boilers suit effect on the shewing experience. In this fable, Collins decided to write his story by having his fictitious characters mark down their own experiences with the Moonstone. The audience is able to read different points of go throughs from varying characters such as Gabriel Bettered, Ezra Jennings, Miss Dressily Clack and a few others. Each written narrative differed in writing style, experiences, and perspectives.By doing so, Collins revises a mystery that is seen through many different angles, producing an over altogether effect of a thoroughly analyzed mystery. Though severally narrative holds a different story, they all come together as one, in which an ending of one narrative becomes the beginning of another. Thus, the mystery of the Moonstone flows nicely, even though different writing styles and perspectives are presented to the reader. The differences in writing styles and perspectiv es allow the readers to further Investigate the mystery presented to them by becoming closer to the truth In a very intimate ay.This intimacy is callable to the structure of the writing style, allowing the reader to delve into the mind of the character who is writing the narrative. The audience Is able to view the biases that the characters have on one another and how they view the situation at hand. By deciding to write In such a format, Collins gives the readers a chance to create an Internal relationship with each character, either liking or disliking. The reader is to take the course in which the character took and relives the characters past as if it was happening before them.The audience feels what the character feels and sees what the character sees nothing Is hidden from the readers. If this story was written In any other way, the story would have a different effect on the readers. By having a normal story with the structure of a narrator narrating the events, the audience would not be able to connect with the characters as very much as they would have with the story as It Is now. When there Is a narrator narrating a story, details such as how the characters feel and think become excluded room the story.Though seemingly minor, subtracting these details from a complicated mystery such as the Moonstone creates an empty mystery, a crime lacking In substance. Collins skillful weaving of narratives allows for a complex and unorthodox mystery to unfold for the audience, bringing forth a mystery that gives them the detective-fever. By extraterrestrial differences in writing styles and perspectives allow the readers to further investigate the mystery presented to them by becoming closer to the truth in a very intimate level into the mind of the character who is writing the narrative.The audience is the situation at hand. By deciding to write in such a format, Collins gives the readers a chance to create an internal relationship with each character, either l iking or character feels and sees what the character sees nothing is hidden from the readers. If this story was written in any other way, the story would have a different as much as they would have with the story as it is now. When there is a narrator lacking in substance. Collins skillful weaving of narratives allows for a complex and
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Exploration Proposal Pop Art
Exploration ProposalI hope to explore the images of comic strips consumerism and symbolism in pop imposture that have been influenced in our everyday lives and how the hatful media, advertising and popular culture are portrayed through pop art. One of the greatest iconic pop culture artists Andy Warhol suggests I like boring things this is a broad indication of a part of how pop culture is based on. It exposes how objects in everyday life move be right in front of us and we as people dont think twice about what we are using. For example, Andy Warhol creates a wooden cutting and painting based on the simplicity of Campbells tomato soup an item he had been consuming for over 20 years frequently. I began to put one over interest in the field of pop art when I was at a younger age I was surrounded by it due to the mass media, constant advertisement imagery and basically elements of consumerism which created connection between the people.I was inspired to continue this art form as i t drives my passion it stems my love for consumerism. People can appreciate everyday objects and bright colours the equivalent way as it derives me. I aim to experiment with a range of materials and techniques throughout my exploration in pop art. Digital photography was by far the most loved personally in my pervious Unit 1 carried in Studio Arts. It is an art media that I can place my skills to map and excel at. A digital single-lens reflex camera was the tool used to photograph objects and the photographs were further dispatchred into an editorial retinue (Adobe Photoshop) and were manipulated to create a completely bleak picture. This technique can further be perused in creating pop art as there are a vast amount of filters found in editorial suites alongside blending pictures, masking, colour and picture correcting and abstracting of photos.Silver gelatin photography is another photographic process, however needed more manual work. Strategies are used to create the desire d pictures required such as amount of light exposure and how long chemicals should be string through. Pop art collages could be perfectly executed with this medium. Acrylic paint and water colour were two materials I continued to suffer with. However, I am looking to immensely improve and adapt them so I can incorporate the two materials into my pop art collaborative pieces. One thing I picked up from in Unit 1 was that its best to think creatively outside the box, extending ideas that come to mind to create a whole new level.Andy Warhol 100 CANS, 1962 Oil on canvas 72 x 52 inches (182.9 x 132.1 cm)The Campbells Soup Cans painting carries historical significance and represents what was happening in America during the 1960s. America had become an industrial culture in which products, machinery, and food were being mass-produced, and it seemed that everything was a commodity. Andy Warhol wanted to acknowledge this phenomenon in his art. He wanted us not to focus on the subject of hi s work, but rather the idea behind it. The idea here is that the mundane, like a can of soup, matters. In addition, the use of repetitive imagery and mechanical processes creates an illusion that art can be mass produced and consumed by everyone. Warhol used the same shapes, dull colours and lines to create his image. The digit that was created has a rhythm, but also repetition because each of the elements is repeated over and over in a recognisable organisation. I can potentially transfer these art elements and principles into making my own artwork that serves consumerism with my own product.Roy Lichtenstein Hopeless, 1963 Oil on Canvas Dimensions 118cm by 111.8cmRoy Lichtensteins comic images of girls with speech balloons was a major slide in the 1960s It contains vibrant colours with bold and wavy lines to add emotion to the scene. I would like to potentially use vibrant colours in collaboration with acrylic paint to express emotions in my own art pieces or create subliminal me ssages that entail emotion to the viewers. Colours and emotions can be used in different parts of the background to present mixed feelings or different views in the image.Richard Hamilton 1956, Just what is it that makes todays homes so different, so appealing Collage Dimensions 26cm by 24.8cmJust what is it that makes todays homes so different, so appealing? Literally elevates kitsch to high art, as symbolized by the framed comic moderate cover against the wall. The body builder on the left and naked woman on the right symbolise the commodification of the human form into just another backing transactionsomething to be marketed to relentlessly, idealised in the name of selling deodorant and toothpaste. All of these things in the collage are placed in the artwork composition for a reason nothing was an accident. Each object was thoughtfully placed to symbolise and have a meaning. I can use this same methodology in my own work by adding many digital/silver gelatin photos and other m ixed media in creating collages to build me own floor and representations in advertising or symbolism.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Postwar Transformation of Canadian Identity Essay
Much basis be impute on the specklewar responsibility of transformation to the pronounce of Canada. It can be argued that, Canada went by dint of a enjoin of political, social and economic transformations that were built by the effects and find outs of the postwar cessation. Amongst the broad array of scholars and historians that have stood to recommend about these transformations, Jose Igartua can be echoed in his book, The other peace Revolution. In his anthology, he has developed an loving package of the historical background that shaped Canada between 1945 and 1971.Broadly, the aspect of Canadian national identity element deep down the postwar limit has been a hallmark of events that has continued to frustrate, obsess and fascinate its citizens, politicians and scholars across the span of some(prenominal) years. However, a disparity exists between these different persons in their understanding about the aver of Canada as having a national identity. At one arm of the argument, some ar at full denial that Canada has had anything handle a national identity.The other contrasting fashion of the disparity is that, Canada even enjoys multiple of national identities with a competing portfolio to one a nonher. However, as much as we would choose to neglect the issue of national identity in Canada, a constant reminder about the same is provided by various aspects inwardly the Canadian social club. The twentieth Century was super crucial in modeling the nature of the Canadian society. It can be argued that the postwar transformation proverb Canada changing from an ethnic into a civic jingoistic landed e posit.However, an of import question would be in digging about when Canada got out of the British colony and thus providing itself with a national sovereignty. However, the Canadian identity changed from its entangles of the British colony which was characterized by ethnicity towards a society that had an equal share of its civic values. Du ring the British colony to Canada, the Canadians who had a Japanese origin went through learning and emulation of the British colony 2 during and afterward demesne War II. This was however characterized of ethnicity between the Canadians and their colony.However, its liberation from the British colony gave it a scene of sharing its civic values where other races such as French Canadians as well as other non British racial groups were now recognized . This provided that all the groups were given the power of participating in the Canadian life parameters through shared responsibilities and resources. Elsewhere, an endurance of the ambiguities that had encroached the nicety of the English Canadian identity was provided by the radical government activitys of the civic modeled Canada in order to provide a well formulated clever activity.However, Igartua has drawn the use of Anthony Smiths theory in explaining the con text edition of Canadian nationalism. By and large, the Canadia n shift of its former ethnic show to a civic nationalism can be argued as important historical events towards the shaping of Canadian identity. In the lieu to bridge an affirmative description to this tell apart of transformation, different scholars such as Richard Gwyn, John Dieferbaker and Michael Ignatieff have soundly come up to explore the current foundations in the change of the Canadian identity transformation. fit to Igartua however, the 1960s was a unique period in the Canadian history where it experienced a secern of Quiet Revolution which can be equated to a greater extent or less to that shaped the modern Quebec. However, the analytical exploration into the responsibility of revolution of Canada by Igartua is established through his argumentative statements and a pursuit of conventional wisdom about the Canadians identity theory.In his credit however, though the English Canadians have not finally dispensed a truly indisputable state of national identity, it can b e said that they have changed the ideal terms with which state of identity could be developed and discussed. Generally, a great challenge is posited to the fact that the identity for English- Canadian went through a state of gradual process whose beginning point was in the World War I and ended in the World War II. This byword great heights of transformations into its economic and social parameters soon after the World War II.According to Igartua however, the English Canada after 1945 had still the bondage of a British colony state in a commonwealth of British Empire. However, the fight for its liberation went on in 1946 when its liberal government activity make attempts of introducing a innovative national flag, changing its Dominion Day to become Canada Day as well as separating its citizenship. Indeed, the same was loosely echoed by the Canadians who associated it with the activities of the French and British Canada towards repudiating its national sovereignty.The same passag e of arms also saw many liberals and unprogressives being outraged by the refusal of the Canadian government in financial support of Britain at the crisis of Suez Canal. Broadly, the Canadians were shallow of this fury when they noted that Britain had a narrow level of self sake to Canada or even any other commonwealth state. However, Canada was know loosing its capacity as a pure British nation despite the massive chanting and borrowing of pro-British slogans by the conservatives led by Diefenbaker and his fellow conservatives.Elsewhere, Deifenbaker was split up in Canada when he chose to posit that Britain was becoming one of the members in the European Economic Community. This was in the moment to the Canadians that they had sediments of ties to Britain which repudiated a contrasting essence of state phenomena to their obligations. Generally, the basics of Quiet Revolution for English Canadian are centered in its flag debate of 1964 and its consequent implication in its respo nses towards the implication of the Royal representation on Biculturalism and Bilingualism which was hereafter called the B and B Commission.Presumably, much can be said and handled in these two levels of state revolutions. Firstly, the Canadian flag debate has gone down into the historical books of a period of fountain chronological events. This saw the older and former view posited to the Canada as British state which was highly exposed by its conservative leader Diefenbaker to no longer hold any fundamental interest to the public and newspaper editors over justifying why the state was to be ruled by a conservatives parliament.Consequently, this last was historical and saw many Canadians who included a majority of francphones to have a great suspire of enthusiasm in embracing the new state flag in 1964. However, another portion gave a resignation to the same as an implication of the anti-support campaign towards the conservative rule but followers of the British colony. The ris ing new flag consequently saw the former Red Ensign and Union jak which were focused as the long serviced convenient symbols were submerged under the power of the new rule .According to Igartua, this new flag had no trace about the former power of the two nations that found Canada. However, this new flag came as a uniquely fitting banner towards the emergence of a civil Canadian State. Elsewhere, the supplementary role played by the B and B Commission was ideally important when analyzing the state of revolution in Canada after World War II. Historically, this commission was an awakening step for the English Canada towards the Quiet Revolution issues embraced by the Quebec. Historically, many quarters predicted a back clash in their ant-campaign on national philosophies that came from the Quebec City.This was also in the anti-campaign against the liberal government of the federal remains. The commission also recognized and anticipated that Canada was not as perceived by many peopl e as bifurcated state that was made of two monolithic racial /ethnic groups. However, it constituted an agglomeration of many individual persons who obliged to equality of their rights. Moreover, Igartua argued that the long held impression about individual equality finally came to loose its connotation when it came to have its ground work consequence modeled into a more universalistic and premise approach to human rights conception.This consequently saw the establishment of support towards Trudeaus vision towards Canada which was later modeled in its official languages in the Act of 1969. by dint of out the historical confrontation to build up and restore the sense of national identity, English Canadians went through a back log of defining their optimistic sense of identity as a rooster for political survival. The postwar Canada embraced a radical epoch into a fountain state of search for cognition through emergence of a well structured curriculum of education.Across the board however, its plunge into long pools of education and issues also saw Canada embracing a unique state of change into its identity. According to Igartua, text books and school curriculum within Canada seldom changed to capture a broad and highly developed state of codification towards the broad state of the Canadian identity. The former structures and modalities on societal modeling envisaged by the pre-war period were averted by the nature of the changing state of education in the country.Consequently, Canada started to enjoy a wide and promoted state of its educational and knowledge background that went even beyond the levels of many postwar countries. Generally, Canada posited a pride in a British heritage as well as imperial achievements few years after the end of world war II. However, its state of national heritage identity was precariously eroding within the 1960s to giving in less ethnocentric and more conservative view about its historical .Such past chronological heritage is what was known to give non-British races, Francophenes and natives a short thrift as it was modeled by the nature of the British culture and modes of living . Importantly therefore, the educational transformation for the post war Canada was highly important in shaping its national identity. Historically, such education can be internalized as a tool that provided a positive influence in the decline of the old system of societal establishment modeled by the British colonial system to a more conservative state that was ruled by civic rule of society leadership by itself.Pursuit in the changing state of education offered an attractive state with which the native and other non-British citizens enjoyed a more mercantile fashion towards modeling their life which was not shaped and dictated by colonial majesty. According to Igartua, corporal identities perceived by postwar Canadians were responsive and malleable towards the changing state of the Canadian context.To him however, the ad vanced and more modeled state of education did a lot to improve the state of changing national identity whose focus was from a society governed through rule and dictates to a more rational and civic society where each person played a predominant role towards its progress. It is also important to pinpoint the influence of change in art, sports and literature as an important variable in the changing course of Canadian identity,. However, the Canadians embraced such changing precepts into literature, art and sports that also defined their new status of a changed national identity.The stylistic status and capacity of its cultural imaginery was therefore changing to a more benevolent status that light a reservation of a more nationalistic identity. They started developing a more reformed state of national approach and models of culture which was coined towards addressing the change of its former identity towards a more Canadian nationalist identity. By and large, few other variables wou ld be incorporated in the modalities of developing a Canadian identity. This can be factors such as the United States influence in political and economic structures that provided a bitter edge into this revolution.Elsewhere, the change in the nature of Commonwealth Empire was an important factor towards this change. Moreover, the status of immigrations provided a refuge towards a support for a elaboration factor in the process of Canadian refining identity. Different types of foreign immigrants were found being desirable by the Canadians towards the end of 1940s. To the Canadians, different scopes of immigrants gave them a want towards redefining their identity when they brought in various cultural identities from their countries of origins .This consequently influenced the identity of the English Canada. As how Edmund Burke made complains within the French revolution, any a nation could not survive and cohere if it had basis of rights and overcharge compactness. However, it had to interact with wide phenomena of social structures that were engulfed and borrowed from different social Diasporas. This was true for Canada in that its Quiet Revolution was initiated by an interaction with a broad phenomena of both state and foreign phenomena which included cultural borrowings, political and social imageries.Summarily therefore, the post war Canada was characterized by a changing phenomena of its national identity that was modeled on a more civic self-ruled and democratic system of government. The same changing identity also saw a gradual change into the British colonial system into a more national state of government modeled by the rules, culture and principles of the English Canadians . It was characterized of a wide scope ideological and culture diversities.It saw a new massive reconstruction into its cultural portfolio that gave in a new fashion model of relationship between the state and the citizens. There was also a new re-organizement into the labor and the political structures which saw a change in the provincial administration and economic reconstruction. This period was also marked as a period with which great foundations of social and political consensus was formulated. It was provided by tools such as creeping Americanization, scattering of societal prosperity, and the end of challenged cultural dominance.Equality and equity gradually paved its way into the Canadian societal modalities that provided an equal share of the state advantages between both the marginalized and the huge groups . Seldom therefore, the postwar culture was important and characterized by strong sense of internal tensions that contained elements of national conservatism and a broad reflection of multifariousness into its cultural , political and economic facets. It had a lot towards providing better structures for a more stable state of Canadian status.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
P1 Identifying the Documents Used to Record Business Transactions
P1 Identifying the Documents utilize to Record Business Transactions 1. Issue of a grease ones palms Order Apurchase ball club (PO)is papers issued by the emptorto theseller, indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or run the seller allow for provide to the buyer. send a purchase order to a supplier is a legal offer to buy products or services. If the seller agrees to selling to the buyer it forms a contract between the two. It should include * The order come up, so it rout out be traced and matched with banknotes and statements * The purchasers name and voice communication which is usually across the middle of the document * The price The name and address of the supplier * The catalogue/reference number * Authorisation i. e. signature and date * A description of the goods required The livery Address May Be Different Companies use Purchase Orders for several reasons price * Purchase orders allow buyers to clearly and explicitly communicate their inte ntions to sellers * Sellers are protected in case of a buyers refusal to generate for goods or services * Purchase orders help a purchasing agent to manage incoming orders and pending ordersIf The Order Is Not Properly Authorised It Will Not Be Processed 2. Delivery cross off This is the document is move with the goods. It lists the items which have been direct. The buyer uses this to check the goods ordered have arrived. It is signed by the buyer and it is so send back to the seller as a proof of delivery. The person receiving the goods signs it after analyse the quantity of the goods delivered. Information on the Delivery Note * The method of delivery * Purchase order number * The signature of the person receiving the goods * The catalogue number and quantity The Price Is Usually Not On the Delivery Note 3. chronicleAninvoice is a document issued by asellerto thebuyer, indicating theproducts, quantities, and agreedpricesfor products orservicesthe seller has provided the bu yer. An invoice indicates the sale transaction nevertheless. Payment terms are usually included on the invoice. The buyer can also have a maximum number of days in which to wage for these goods and is sometimes offered a discount if paid before the due date. This is probably the most important document. This is an authoritative request for honorarium. It includes * The WordInvoice * A Unique Reference Number In Case Of counterweight About The Invoice * Date of the Invoice. Tax Payments * Name And Contact inside information Of The Seller * Tax Or Company Registration Details Of Seller * Name And Contact Details Of The Buyer * Date That The fruit Was Sent Or Delivered * Purchase OrderNumber * Description Of The Products * Total Amount Charged optionally with breakdown of taxes, if relevant * Payment Terms method of payment, date of payment, and details about charges for late payment * The Purchase Order Number the invoice is checked against the goods ordered, the invoice and the goods delivered, the process is called marrying up. The buyer only pays if all three documents match exactly. Terms this informs the buyer how long before he has to pay for the goods. The measuring rod of cash discount for fast payment will also be stated. * Carriage this states the constitute of conveying the seller has to pay. Carriage forward means how much the buyer has to pay for transportation * E OE errors and omissions anticipate this allows the seller to correct any mistakes on the invoice at a later date. * Trade dismiss this amount will be deducted from the invoice price e. g. buying in bulk. * Value Added Tax ( bathtub) this is added to the cost of the goods on the invoice.Read also Recording General Fund Operating Budget and Operating TransactionsThe VAT registration number should be on the invoice, usually below the name and address. * Invoice Number it will identify a specific invoice for the buyer and seller. Pro Forma Invoice VAT It means for forms s ake. It is sent to a new customer, or an existing customer who has been late making a payment It is sent to the buyer before the goods are delivered The details are the same as on an ordinary invoice. The goods are delivered after the payment has been made.When the goods are paid for a normal invoice is issued. It sets out charges which have to be paid in advance. Debit Note This is issued by the seller and sent to the buyer. It Is Essentially an Additional Invoice It is used to correct errors e. g. if goods were invoiced at a lower price than it should been or if some goods were over charged. 4. reliance Note Acredit circular is a document issued by asellerto abuyer. The seller usually issues a credit memo for the same or lower amount than the invoice, and then repays the money to the buyer or sets it off against a balance due from other transactions.A credit furrow lists the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller provided the buyer, but the bu yer returned or did not receive. It may be issued in the case of damaged goods, errors or allowances. In respect of the previously issued invoice, a Credit memoranda will reduce or eliminate the amount the buyer has to pay. Reasons for issuing a credit note * To correct a mistake e. g. being over charged * Goods are faulty or damaged * The goods were not delivered * The wrong goods were delivered Details on the credit note include The date * The original invoice number * Date * The reason credit is being given * The addresses of the buyer and seller It Is Often Printed In Red 5. Statement The seller sends all regular customers a statement at the end of the month. This Is a Copy of The Customers Accounts in The Sales Ledger. It lists all transactions with customers during the month * all payments true * All invoices issued * It shows outstanding balance * Any credit note issued Details include * Date * Details of invoices issued * The name and address of the customers The customer s account number * The name and address of the supplier * Any credit note issued * Any payments made * The amount outstanding i. e. the balance 6. Goods Received Note(GRN) This is an internal document used by the buyer, usually in the stock department to record goods being delivered. Copies are sent to various parts of the business * The department that ordered the goods, to let them know that goods have arrived * The accounts department so they can marry the invoice, the purchase order and the GRN * The purchasing department who placed the order.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Monologue of a Serial Killer
How was I vatic to k instanter that this was wrong, when it felt so right? Everything my father has taught me is wrong He taught me not to get laid, taught me not to feel, fix no compassion for others. Howhow could this be wrong, my whole life a lie thats what it was, thats what I could reduce it to, a lie.Where had my go been when my father had been teaching me these things? Where had aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, cousins teachers, anybody been to tell me, to show me thatthat all of this was wrong. Wrongthat intelligence information doesnt seem real now, and it will never truly seem real, because Ive never cognise anything else.I sound like Im trying to shoulder the blame but Im not, Im truly not I justI felt so accepted by him, and loved, so loved that I didnt really need anyone elseyou know, the kind of love wherewhere anything could happen, and that one somebody would still be there still there listening to everything you ever save to say, any problems and they say o ne word, two words, a sentence and everything is bettereverything is fixed.My father is the kind of person I always wished I was strong, capable, a true mana real man individual I would never be. My father says my mother held me too much when I was a child he had to get me away from her quickly, soso he found something to bond us together, found something that my mother could never be a part of, would never be a part of. And my mother, my mother didnt seem to notice how I changed. I changed so drastically in the space of about 5 months my perspective on life changed, suddenly I started to view everyone as a victim, as an outsider, and lastly the only person I could trust was my father, the only person I believed was him my father, my best friend, my partner, my mentor, the one person who I could go to, who I knew could never judge because his crimes are worse than mine, much worse.Im told that Im a victim in all of this a victim of my environment, a harvest-feast created by my fath er for his own means. How can I believe that? Howhow can that be true afterwards everything he said, everything weve done together, always together. I told him we shouldnt have taken her, that last one she was wanted, she had friends, she had a family, she had a future, sheshe was somebodyloved. But he had to have her and I couldnt tell him no, he was the superordinate hed say, and I was his studenta student still after 12 years, 12 long years stretching out behind me.When I look at those years now I see there was no love there, how could he ever love anything more than what he did to those girls? He was alive when I watched him do that his eyes, they sparkled and twinkled in the night. I try to remember a magazine when Ive seen him happy like that with my mother and I cantI cant. Ive seen him smile, obviously Ive seen him smile, but happiness is something a child should witness from a parent in normal circumstancesbut then again whats normal? They say normal is gardening, cooking , cleaning, washing, playperhaps driving, stalking, watching, learning, catching, cutting, killing, diggingburyingnone of that is normal, so Ive been told.My mindmy mind is mixed up and all I can hear is my mother cryingcrying trying to convince herself that she didnt know what was going on.I want to see my father, but Im not allowed. As if anything he could say would influence me more than he has done already theres secret code they can say now to make me confess, to speak a bad word about my father. I am hisforever hisbut he will never be mine.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Melanophores and Microtubule Monorails: Insights Into Rapid
Fish and amphibians are able to tack their alter chop-chop in response to a change of their surroundings. This phenomenon is done by melanophores, containing a pigment cell called melanin, existence travelled along microtubules in their cells (Levi, Serpinskaya, Gratton, & Gelfand, 2006, p. 318). A microtubule, which is made of proteins located in cytoskeleton, is one of three filaments that is long, get the picture stiff tube and responsible for intracellular transport. This transport arranging is driven by kinesin and dynein in microtubules and myosin in actin filaments, which are called motor proteins. Gross, Tuma, Deacon, Serpinskaya, Reilein, & Gelfand, 2002, p. 855). To understand how those movements along microtubules can make the rapid colour change possible, it is prerequisite first to find out how each component mentioned above carries out their roles in detailed in their specific area. Melanosomes move along microtubules by protein motors throughout the cell by aggr egation and dispersion and the solicitude of their change of location is also changed frequently.In microtubules, most kinesins move towards the plus-end of the microtubule, which is called dispersion and dyneins move towards the minus-end of the microtubule, which is called aggregation. (Bouzat, Levi, & Bruno, 2012, p. 1). These dispersion and aggregation of melanosomes are affect by certain hormones such as melatonin and MSH and it make the color of their skin become darker or lighter depending on where they are (Bouzat et al. p. 10). One significant discovery is that those microtubule- and actin-based transport systems are in a tug-of-war.For instance, microtubule-based transport system can be altered by a loss of myosin function, which is actin-based transport system (Gross et al. , 2002, p. 855). This competition regulates their transport functions without a hitch and thus, it allows the movement along microtubules to constantly go on. Due to traveling of melanophores throug h those two filaments in cytoskeleton by motor proteins, fish, amphibian and reptiles are able to change their color very rapidly. Those are at any times ready for a response to a change of their surroundings and it directly happens as soon as they get something to trigger those functions start working.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Good will definition Essay
An account that can be found in the assets portion of a political partys balance sheet. Goodwill can often arise when one confederation is secured by some other company. In an acquisition, the amount pay for the company over book value usually accounts for the target unswervings intangible assets. Goodwill is seen as an intangible asset on the balance sheet because it is non a physical asset like buildings or equipment. Goodwill typically reflects the value of intangible assets such(prenominal) as a strong brand name, good customer relations, good employee relations and any patents or proprietary technology.MethodThere argon three rules of valuation of grace of the starchy1. mediocre lucre Method2. exceedingly winnings Method3. Capitalisation Method1. Average internet MethodThis regularity acting of grace valuation takes the average proceeds of previous years as its basis. This average arrive at is figure by the number of obtains made in that year.Goodwill = Aver age Profit x Number of Purchases in the yearBefore calculating the average cabbage the following adjustments should be made in the profits of the firm a. Any ab familiar profits should be deducted from the net profits of that year. b. Any abnormal going should be added back to the net profits of that year. c. nary(prenominal)-operating incomes eg. Income from investments etc should be deducted from the net profits of that year. spokespersonAn Ltd agreed to corrupt the business of B Ltd. For that purpose Goodwill is to be valued at three years purchase of Average net profit of last five years. The profits of B Ltd. for the last five years are category Profit/Loss ($)2005 10,000,0002006 12,250,0002007 7,450,0002008 2,450,000 (Loss)2009 12,400,000Following additional information is available1. In the year 2008 the company suffered a loss of $1,000,500 due to fire in the factory. 2. In the year 2009 the company earned an income from investments extraneous the business $ 4,500,250 .Solution thorough profits earned in the past five years= 10,000,000 + 12,250,000 + 7,450,000 2,450,000 + 12,400,000 = $ 39,650,000 Total Profits after adjustments = $ 39,650,000 + $ 1,000,500 $ 4,500,250=$ 36,150,250 Average Profits= $ 36,150,2505=$ 7,230,050Goodwill = $ 7,230,0503=$ 21,690,150Thus A Ltd would stipend $ 21,690,150 as the price of Goodwill earned by B Ltd.2. tiptop profits method actingSuper profit refers to a situation where in the actual profit is higher than what is expected. Under this method,Goodwill = ace profit x number of years purchaseSteps for calculating Goodwill under this method are given belowi) familiar Profits = Capital Invested X Normal pose of drive out/100ii) Super Profits = Actual Profits Normal Profitsiii) Goodwill = Super Profits x No. of years purchasedFor example, the capital employed as shown by the books of ABC Ltd is $ 50,000,000. And the normal send of return is 10 %. Goodwill is to be calculated on the basis of 3 years purchase of super profits of the last four years.Profits for the last four years areYear Profit/Loss ($)2005 10,000,0002006 12,250,0002007 7,450,0002008 5,400,000Total profits for the last four years = 10,000,000 + 12,250,000 + 7,450,000 +5,400,000 = $35,100,000 Average Profits = 35,100,000 / 4 = $ 8,775,000Normal Profits = 50,000,000 X 10/100 = $ 5,000,000Super Profits = Average/ Actual Profits Normal Profits = 8,775,000 5,000,000 = $ 3,775,000 Goodwill = 3,775,000 3 = $ 11,325,0003. Capitalisation MethodThere are two shipway of calculating Goodwill under this method(i) Capitalisation of Average Profits Method(ii) Capitalisation of Super Profits Method(i) Capitalisation of Average Profits MethodAs per this method,Goodwill = Capitalized Value the firm Net Assets CapitalizedValue of the firm = Average Profit x 100/ Normal Rate of grantNet Assets = Total Assets External LiabilitiesFor example a firm earns $40,000 as its average profits. The normal rate of rteturn is 10%. Total assets of the firm are $1,000,000 and its total external liabilities are $ 500,000. To calculate the amount of gracility Total capitalized value of the firm = 40,000 100/10 = 400,000 Capital Employed = 1,000,000 500,000 = 500,000Goodwill = 500,000 400,000 = 100,000(ii)Capitalisation of Super ProfitsUnder this method, good will is calculated asGoodwill = Super Profit x 100/Normal Rate of ReturnFor example ABC Ltd earns a profit of $ 50,000 by employing a capital of $ 200,000, The normal rate of return of a firm is 20%. To calculate Goodwill Normal Profits = 200,000 20/100 =$ 40,000Super profits = 50,000 40,000 = $10,000Goodwill = 10,000 100 / 20 = $50,000Partial Goodwill MethodIn the partial grace of God method, goodwill is calculated as the difference between the purchase consideration paid and the dealrs get by of the fair value of the net identifiable assets. In partial goodwill method, only the acquirers share of the goodwill is recognized. Goodwill under in full goodwill met hod exceeds goodwill under partial goodwill method by the non-controlling interest share of the goodwill. Partial goodwill method is not allowed under US GAAP but it is allowed as an option under IFRS (besides the full goodwill method). Goodwill under partial goodwill method differs from goodwill under full goodwill method only in situations in which investment by the acquirer is less than 100%.ExampleLets follow the same example that we discussed in full goodwill method. fraternity A acquired 75% shareholding in Company B for $20 million. Book value of net identifiable assets of Company B is $14 million. The fair value of Company Bs asset is the same as their book value except accounts receivables which are impaired by $1 million. Book value of assets is $54 million while book value of liabilities is $40 million.The purchase consideration is the change paid to acquire 75% ownership and it equals $20 million. Fair value of net identifiable assets is $13 million ($54 million book v alue minus $1 million on account if impairment in accounts receivable minus liabilities of $40 million). The acquirers share of the net identifiable assets equals 75% of $13 million which equals $9.75 million. Goodwill is hence $20 million minus $9.75 which equals $10.25 million. Company A will choke the following journal entry to record the business combination.Goodwill $10.25 M Assets $53 M Liabilities $40 MCash $20 MNon-Controlling Interest $3.25 MNon-controlling interest is calculated as 25% of fair value of net identifiable assets. It equals $3.25 ($13 million multiplied by 0.25). It can also be arrived at the balancing figure (goodwill under full goodwill method + assets acquired liabilities assumed cash paid). Total goodwill under full goodwill method was $13.67 and non-controlling interest was $6.67 million. The difference is non-controlling interest in case of partial goodwill is only because in partial goodwill method the non-controlling interest share of goodwill i s not recorded which equals $3.42 million (0.25 of ($26.67 minus $13 million)).Weighted average profit methodThis method of goodwill evaluation can be explained as a modified side of the he average profit method. This method involves the relevant number of weights, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4 multiples profit of each year so as to find out value product. The total of products is thereafter divided by the total of weights so as to calculate the weighted average profits.Goodwill = Weighted Average Profits x No. of years PurchaseWeighted Average Profit = Total of Products of Profits/ Total of WeightsEXAMPLEThe profit of X Ltd. for the last five years and the corresponding weights are as follows.Calculate the value of goodwill on the basis of 3 years purchase of the weighted average profit.SolutionWeighted Average Profit = Rs. 21, 30,000 15 = Rs. 1, 42,000. Value of Goodwill = 3 years purchase of weighted average profit Rs. 1, 42,000 x 3 = Rs. 4, 26,000
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Case study report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Case study report - Essay good exampleOne approach is to ensure they understand the cultural, organizational, and national framework to ensure the personnel tasked with the duties of implementing such strategies understands the expectations and the circumstance of the business. Reardons Hotels is one of the United Kingdom companies in the hotel industry embracing the concept of MNCs. The hotel has seven branches with its headquarter in Bristol. Edward Readson is the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The organization has an up- food market accommodation as its strategic market gear up. The managerial style and the organizational culture is that of a father figure because its a family candidature business (Reardons family) but follows a standardization human resource policy. Their primary customer targets argon the travelers. Given that, more or less MNCs have strategies that lure, attract, and retain the best staff, tailoring the reward scheme that is justified to, the posit ion will play a critical role in building the institution (Marginson et al., 2010 Tony 2010). Therefore, the MNC plays a strong role in influencing change and the possible directions the organization is likely to take to ensure acceptance and juicy entry into various markets across the globe. Therefore, the case of Reardon Hotels is a good example in assessing the roles played by MNC in the context of HRM to ensure integration and differentiation within and between the national and international agreement of organization.There are several perspectives on literature that assessed the MNC by examining the differentiation and integration. The perspective associated with the fact that most MNCs have had a tendency of retaining their national goals and values (Doremus et al 1998), because they retain a much stronger connecter between their country of origin and the subsidiaries. However, some researchers have documented converging evidence that aimed
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Portrait of Teresa and Salt of the Earth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
characterization of Teresa and Salt of the Earth - Essay ExampleThe film Portrait of Teresa by the Cuban director Pastor Vega deals with the struggle of Teresa to fit into the ideals of revolutionary Cuba. The film Salt of the Earth by the Ameri female genital organ director Herbert J. Biberman deals with the theme of male domination and female struggle against the same. Thesis statement an investigation into the roles of Teresa in Portrait of Teresa and Esperanza Quintero in Salt of the Earth by comparison/contrast method.In the movie Portrait of Teresa, the role of Teresa is so significant because her life and experience reflects the role of women in the Cuban society. The character of Teresa reveals the contradiction in terms between revolutionary and traditional values. For example, Teresa was forced to take on major responsibilities in her family, which consist of her preserve and sons. The development in the Cuban society provides immense opportunities to its citizens. Teresa works in a textile grind in the skyline of Havana to fulfill her personal responsibility towards her family. In addition, she works at a recreational dance group in the evening. The changing values of the domestic and public field hazard her life and she ineffectually tries to satisfy both the spheres. The character of Teresa represents the hard working women folk in the Cuban society. She operates textile machinery in the morning session and involves in dance rehearsals in the evening. So, one can good identify that female life in Cuban society is a struggle for survival. Teresas slowly night rehearsals irritate her husband and it badly affects her personal life. But this leads to her short temperedness towards others at the textile grinder meeting. She does all the works at home like preparing breakfast, helping her children, preparing evening meals, and cleaning the house. Here, one can see that almost all household works are done
Monday, May 13, 2019
Week 7 discussion replies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Week 7 discussion replies - Essay ExampleIf the doors are not supposed to be closed, or it is allowable for the students to mention their arms or other body parts out of the vw, then it is not only unprotected to travel by the vw but also this discussion is out of context since the question is about adapted the students within the volume of the vw.Most of your answer is based on inculcating the concept of volume and size in the elementary students, and you go hardly touched upon the real point which is how to estimate the maximum number of students that check over in the vw. You take to discuss the volume of the vw and the average volume of a student, and compare the former to the latter(prenominal) to determine how many students can fit in the vw.While I agree with you on close part of your answer, I do not consent that all students have to be equally overblown and weighty for the estimate to be accurate. Firstly, the problem requires you to determine the number of students that can fit in the vw without specifying that they have to be of equal height and weight, and secondly, some level of inaccuracy will always persist even if you fill students of same height and weight because of numerous reasons. One reason can be that some students flummox with their legs opened wider as compared to others.I find your description of the example of paper squares for the surface area very(prenominal) confusing and did not really understand its purpose. However, I agree to your method of calculating the volumes of the vw and the students, though you need to discuss how you would fit the students, as there are numerous ways the students whitethorn just pertain the seats in the vw, they may sit in each others lap, some may sit in the empty area between the rear and front seats. These factors need to be discussed.I agree that there is space of five passengers in an average car, but here, the matter is of fitting the students in the vw,
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Q1 - Using Knowledge & skills to Assess Usage of Web Technologies in Essay
Q1 - Using Knowledge & skills to Assess Usage of electronic network Technologies in Your organization - Essay ExampleThis practice also assists organizations to trim down their operating expenses and thereby offer best quality products and services to consumers at affordable prices. Therefore, any flaw in the apply of web technologies would raise potential challenges to the competitiveness of the organization, and this in turn may ca engagement the firm to drift off its market share to competitors. In this situation, it is necessary for every firm to maintain a multidisciplinary team undefended of assessing the firms use of web technologies.Evidently, combined use of IT and watchfulness skills is inevitable to evaluate the use of web technologies in the organization effectively. Undoubtedly, improved IT skills are the most prioritized need when it comes to assessing the efficiency of the firms technological base. An organizations selective informationbases and network servers co ntain a wide range of customer info and information that are sensitive in nature. Hence, it is the duty of this team to ensure that sensitive customer data are secure at the best level and they are not exposed to growing warrantor vulnerabilities. Presence of individuals with great IT skills in the team is vital to add advanced security measures features to the firms internal servers and networks, and this will reduce the threat of hacking and other malware attacks (Lemos, n.d.). In addition, it is also essential to identify security pitfalls in the firms databases and networks (if any) and resolve those issues immediately.Similarly, the combined use of IT and management skills is essential to make employees witting of the dreadful consequences of the data loss or theft, and enlighten them about improved data management practices. Reports paint a picture that inappropriate data management practices by employees is one of the major problems making sensitive customer/management d ata vulnerable to external security threats (Cisco, n.d.). The team charged with
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Reaction paper (Greg Stahly) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reaction paper (Greg Stahly) - Essay exemplificationHe identified himself as a ceramic artist, a term that I had never perceive of, and up to now though many of his products are displayed in museums, I still hold the opinion that his work are not delicious. Gregs products however exhibit some elements of art. I consider his soda vapour glazing, a work that involved pottery, as his artistically richest work. Even though the product involved handwork creativity skills, its artistic elements are realized in its function process rather than implementation of the design to develop the product. Greg also associates himself more with creation of products for use. He for example creates bowls from which people can eat, water ports for watering flowers and develop color schemes to capture peoples attention. His soda vapor without glazing was particularly owing(p) and neat. It only applied a particular type of fire wood with diversified natural colors that were derived from flames, par ts of the wood and ash. Even though a distant glance of the work would not captivate, a closer cash advance to intellect the coloration identifies the quality in the product. Mixing of colors is the basis of this particular piece of work. an opposite(prenominal) diagnosable feature of Gregs work is that his products offer tangible utility. They are not merely commodities to be seen but are things that are applicable in daily life processes. His works whence puts me in a dilemma as I fail to understand the precise difference between a person who makes products and a person who invent products towards development and sale. The concept of ceramic art also confuses me because even though I can comprehend aspect of art as implied in the works, I do not understand how the works can be generally considered art. This is because Greg develops his products without outlined motive. Examples involve his development of expansive shapes and suspending them in a museum without a clear intent. Even though he later developed an understanding from his Cadaver bags that he tried to lift but fell down to six feet, such a theme of communicating aspects of death was not in his intentions at the time of developing the bags. I therefore hold the opinion that Greg is just an explorer who delights himself in making funny items and observing how his made items operate. This, in my opinion, is a development of products for physical utility and not art. 50 ways in is another of Gregs works that appears to be controversial to me with respect to artistic consideration. The work only exhibits a few elements of artistic development and induces the dilemma of whether to consider it artistic or not. It was developed from ceramic, latex tubing, case rubber, aluminum, and 120 tubes and is identifiable with 50 center fieldballs with tails that converge to a focal point on a wall. The works theme was to illustrate 50 of ways locating a particular point and even though the works title was capt ivating, the theory behind it, and the way in which Greg explained it is not. Greg for instance explained that every eye was the size of a grape fruit or one of the larger groups of fruits, a statement that identifies ambiguity. His other presumed art regarded construction of pipelines and forward pass view of the city. He exhibit diagrams of both pipelines and electrical line from an aerial view. The aim of such a development was to illustrate underground installations and even though he demonstrated an understanding of involved appliances, this work closely identifies with construction than it does with art.
Friday, May 10, 2019
New Look for Women in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
parvenu Look for Women in the UK - show ExampleIndia is prospering economically and poses a perfect merchandiseplace for in the buff Look as it has a ready market for womens wear. Technological advancement and cheap availability of labor will alter New Look to enter the market at competitive prices. Also, currently the competition has not entered this market with full force which makes the environment more viable. However, there is cultural diversity which makes the market highly irregular and difficult to establish trends. Also, the laws of the country ar not powerful enough to control plagiarism of designs.New Look plans to launch in the country within 3 months and growth into 200 outlets within 2 years and at first importing the rove and later setting up production facilities in India itself. This can be achieved by employing the highly skilled set of local and foreign designers to cater to the divergent niches that exist in the market. Also, heavy promotion of 25 % of th e total cost would build the lacking carry loyalty. Lastly, marketing should be controlled by monitoring the st rungies used by having an in-depth evaluation every 6 monthsNew Look is Britains third-largest retailer of womens excogitate. With over 540 stores across the UK, New Look now has nigh 250 stores in France with complete ownership of MIM, Belgium, Dubai and Kuwait it has revenue of 800 million pounds (2005) and employees 15000 workers1. New Look has a range of women of all ages and sizes, accessories range, a mens range and a kids range. The core products, however, are clothing, lingerie, and shoes. The new look has 1000 factories in 45 countries and it caters to international market keeping the various fashion trends in mind2. The sales volume of New Look is increasing at a decreasing rate as competition in the current market increases. New Look, therefore, seeks to expand in a market with a big demand and where the costs would remain at a minimum to maximize profits.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Research paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Research paper - Assignment ExampleThe industrial mutation of the 19th century that took place in Europe and America saw people experience pollution of air, soil and water systems to levels that threatened the extinction of some flora and fauna species. Governments the world over responded to the deteriorating surround in the last few decades of the 20th century through imposition of laws aimed at limiting environmental pollution of pollution (Ocean Service, 2008).There is no doubt that the menace of pollution is today affecting both nation of the world. The burning of fossil fuels for instance is a major cause of air pollution. Daily purpose of fuel through cars releases a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere with result of that that air we ar inhaling is non clean and as such poses significant health risks. Nations especially in the developed world are trying to regulate air pollution through the passage of tough laws to govern corporations thought to endorse most of the respons ibility when it comes to environmental pollution (Gulf Daily News, 2009). The sole aim is to force these companies to behave responsibly in terms of release of chemicals in the atmosphere. Failure on the part of corporations to adhere to environmental laws attracts steamed penalties and increased taxes. This is because pollution affects the environmental adversely and thus bringing about major human health issues with the ultimate rise in the cost of medicine to individuals. Bad air for instance has caused an increase in conditions such as allergies and asthma (Abdi, Ferrera, 205). In the Kyoto protocol for instance, most of industrialised and developing nations of the world committing to the drop-off of CO2 emissions by an average of 5% till the year 2012 basing their 1990 emission levels. Unfortunately some major industrial powers of the world such as the US declined to ratify the protocol thus dealing a blow to the efforts.
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